Chapter 869 I Can Continue Your Life For Three Years!

Dong and the vicissitudes of life slowly echoed in the Great Hall.

The air in the Great Hall seemed to freeze at this moment, and the pressure of terror also permeated the entire Great Hall.

Under such terrifying pressure, even Dong Kui, the powerhouse of Shenhai Seventh Stage, his breathing became a little quicker.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen was calm and calm, as if he hadn’t been affected at all.

“Elder deserves to be the King of Soul Realm. Even if he lives here, he still knows what happened to the Dong family.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said: “It was only an accident to follow Mo’s family to Dong’s family. I came to see Elder this time. I would like to ask Elder to help me with two things.”


A look of surprise flashed in Dong He Lao’s eyes: “I wonder if Ben Elder can help you?”

The previous battle between Dong Kui and Jiang Chen naturally attracted Dong He’s attention.

Jiang Chen successively displayed three different Third Stage Martial Dao’s true intentions to subdue Dong Kui, Dong He can be said to be very clear.

He also knew that the origin of this kid in front of him was probably extremely extraordinary.


He didn’t want to conflict with this kid unless he had to.

“I have a relationship with Elder’s granddaughter.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said authentically: “The first thing is to hope that Elder can help Mo’s family regardless of the predecessors.”

“Sorry, I can’t help you in this matter. I can’t save the Mo family.”

Dong He’s face sank slightly: “Back when she broke ties with me for the boy of the Mo family, the old man vowed that she would never care about her life and death!”

“Since Elder can’t help me, then I don’t need Elder to help me.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth made a slight arc: “Let’s make a deal.”

Dong He was taken aback, and immediately looked at Jiang Chen with a puzzled look: “What deal?”

“Elder’s breath is dead, and the soul has been disintegrated. This is a sign of the imminent end.”

Jiang Chen stared straight at Dong He: “If I guess right, Elder probably only has a month or two.”

Dong He’s pupils shrank suddenly.

He stared at Jiang Chen for a while, then slowly said: “It is indeed a terrifying existence that surpasses the emperor-level genius. It really has good eyesight. Let’s talk, the old man is somewhat interested in your transaction.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “The transaction is very simple, as long as you promise me two things, I can extend your life for three years!”


Dong He’s heart shook, a sharp light flashed in his turbid old eyes, and he stared at Jiang Chen scorchingly: “Can you really continue my life for three years?”

“Replacement as fake.”

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I can refine a sixth rank ancient life continuation pill, which can last ten years for the strong of Shenhai. Even if it is taken by the king of the soul, it will not be a problem to extend his life for three years.”

“There is nothing to say, why should I believe you?”

Dong He stared straight at Jiang Chen, as if he wanted to see Jiang Chen through.

“You have no choice but to trust me.”

Jiang Chen looked like he was holding the winning ticket: “You don’t believe me, the time limit will come in a month. Believe me, you may still have a chance to extend your life for three years to hit a higher Realm, don’t you?”

“Okay, I accept this deal.”

“If you can really refine the sixth rank ancient life continuation pill, and continue my life for three years, no matter what conditions you have, the old man can promise you!”

Dong He was silent for a moment, then his expression was decisive and authentic.

As Jiang Chen said, his time limit is approaching and he has no choice.

Since this kid in front of him can refine the sixth rank primordial life continuation pill, he has to fight for it no matter what.

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