Chapter 845 The King of Divine Soul Realm Arrives!

The Sifang sword formation was destroyed by Jiang Chen in an instant, and Yun Guang’s expression was astonished to the extreme.

Before he could react.

The long sword that had originally disappeared from the hands of the three Jingyunmen disciples appeared ghostly on their chests.

“Quick…get away!”

Yun Guang quickly shouted at the three Jingyunmen disciples in anger.


At this moment, the three Jingyunmen disciples were as if they had been used the Movement Technique. They stared blankly at the oncoming long sword, allowing the long sword to penetrate through their throats.


A stream of red blood sprayed from the throats of the three Jingyunmen disciples like a fountain.

The three of them only felt black in front of them, and fell to the ground with a thud.

“This… how is this possible, how can you break my square sword formation so easily!”

Looking at the three Jingyunmen disciples who fell in a pool of blood, Yun Guang looked terrified, and his mouth also let out an unbelievable roar!

“Your so-called square sword formation is just equivalent to a relatively powerful sword skill.”

Jiang Chen said with contempt: “Don’t you know that anything related to swords is all in vain in front of my Third Stage Sword intent.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Yun Guang’s expression also became paler.

He originally thought.

With the power of the Sifang Sword Formation, even if he couldn’t deal with Jiang Chen, it wouldn’t be a problem to trap him here.

But he still underestimated the power of Jiang Chen’s Third Stage Sword intent!

He never thought that the Sifang Sword Array he was proud of would be so vulnerable in front of Jiang Chen’s Third Stage Sword intent!

It took less than a moment.

Jiang Chen first killed Yun Yan with a single move, then easily broke his square sword formation and killed the other three Jingyunmen disciples.


This kid in front of him is really terrifying, I am afraid that he is no less inferior to the most enchanting emperor genius in the startled cloud gate.


The boy in front of him is simply not what he can handle.

Yun Guang was terrified to the extreme in his heart.

He didn’t hesitate at all, his body flashed into a stream of light and rose into the sky, fleeing towards the distant sky in panic.

“Want to escape?”

Looking at the Yunguang rushing out of the sky, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raise a cold smile recently.

Seeing a movement, the phantom of the Excalibur Condensed by the Third Stage Sword intent penetrated the void instantly, appeared ghostly on top of Yun Guang’s head, and then severely slashed it at Yun Guang!

Third Stage Sword intent, the highest Realm of Sword intent.

Cultivation to the extreme, even if it is a momentary distance from the sky, it is not difficult to get the top level of a person.

Although Jiang Chen’s Third Stage Sword intent has not yet reached the highest Realm, it is also infinitely close to Dacheng and cannot be truly arbitrary, but the distance of a few kilometers is still no problem.

“Do not!”

Fleeing in a panic, Yun Guang looked at the phantom of the divine sword smashed above his head, and the whole person was desperate.

With a move of his palms, the vitality in his body was also frantically rushing towards the divine sword phantom above his head.

Just in the face of Jiang Chen’s Third Stage Sword intent’s full blow, all Yunguang’s resistance was in vain.

When his Yuan Li Zhang Jin came into contact with the divine sword phantom, the divine sword phantom was instantly cut to pieces.

Just blink of an eye.

Yun Guang’s body was completely submerged by that huge divine sword phantom!

And at the moment when Yun Guang’s figure was submerged in the phantom of the divine sword.

A terrifying aura carrying a terrible anger spread over the sky from the sky, and the icy voice resounded across the sky instantly!

“Jiang Chen, dare to kill me, the disciple of the Cloud Gate, you are looking for death!”

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