Chapter 844 Square Sword Formation!

“What a terrifying Third Stage Sword intent, the strength of this child is so strong!”

Looking at the black-clothed youth who was killed by Jiang Chen’s second move, the honest youth Yun Guang’s expression also instantly became extremely gloomy.

Yunguang has always had a calm personality.

He knew very well in his heart that since the kid in front of him can be wanted by the Thrilling Cloud Gate to issue a huge reward, he must be no ordinary person.

Originally, he was still wondering how to drag Jiang Chen out of his mind, and then contacted the strong man in the Cloud Gate.

But who knew that Yun Yan chose to attack Jiang Chen without hesitation.

He didn’t even expect it to be.

As a disciple of the Samsung Inner Sect, Yun Yan will be killed by Jiang Chen, who is also in the first stage of Shenhai!

Even Yun Guang had already guessed that Jiang Chen was not easy, but he did not expect Jiang Chen to be so powerful!

And his strength is only slightly stronger than Yun Yan wants, so how can he be Jiang Chen’s opponent?

“Built the Quartet Sword Formation!”

Yun Guangqiang suppressed the horror in his heart, and hurriedly shouted to the three Jingyunmen disciples on the side.

Now that the arrow is on the line, I have to send it.

Yun Guang did not hesitate in the slightest, intending to drag Jiang Chen with the other three Jingyunmen with a sword formation, and wait for the arrival of the strong Jingyunmen.

The other three Jingyunmen disciples heard Yun Guang sternly, and finally recovered from their horror.

They moved their bodies, and Yun Guang appeared in four different directions around Jiang Chen, and then each swung a sword tactic.


Each of the four swordsmanships used by each of them burst out with a strange light, forming an enchantment of silver light flowing around Jiang Chen, covering Jiang Chen’s entire body.

“Jiang Chen, although you are very strong, you don’t want to break through the square sword formation laid down by the four of us.

Yun Guang watched Jiang Chen condescendingly, with a sneer on his face.

This quadrilateral sword formation is a combined attack formation created by Jingyunmen in order for the disciples under the door to better cope with the danger.

This combined attack formation can make the Jingyunmen disciples who use the formation burst out even more powerful combat power.

With the strength of his Shenhai First Stage, coupled with the square sword formation arranged by the three Jingyunmen disciples of the Ninth Stage, it is enough to deal with the strong of Shenhai Fourth Stage!

Even if this square sword formation could not deal with Jiang Chen in front of him, it would be more than enough to trap him until the Jingyunmen powerhouse came.

“Ha ha……”

“You can’t help but value your joint attack formation too much. Do you think you can deal with me with this broken formation?”

“In my eyes, your so-called square sword formation is no different from rubbish!”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and the Third Stage Sword intent was divided into four, directly oppressing the long swords in the hands of the four Yunguang.

I saw that the long swords in the hands of the four Yunguang were pulled by Jiang Chen’s Sword intent, and they all made a clear sword chant, and immediately the entire sword body trembled violently, as if to break free from the hands of the four Yunguang. .

Yun Guang’s expression changed, he quickly raised his strength and forcibly grabbed the long sword in his own palm.

And in the other three directions.

Those three Condensed Pill Realm Shocking Cloud Sect disciples were not so lucky.

Even if they tried their best, the long sword in their hands still broke free under the lead of Jiang Chen’s Third Stage Sword intent.

As the three long swords were released, the silver barrier surrounding Jiang Chen became distorted in an instant, and finally turned into a bit of silver light, dissipating out of thin air in midair.

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