Chapter 830 Desperate Xu Qianhe!


Although the cost of Jiang Chen’s use of the Space-Time Sword Domain this time is very high, the power of the Space-Time Sword Domain is also extremely terrifying.

I saw that the four Practitioners of the Xu Family in the Condensed Pill Realm could hardly resist the power of the Sword Domain in time and space.

“Qian…Qianhe Elder, save…help us!”

Feeling that his life was passing wildly at a hundredfold or even humble speed, the faces of the four Xu’s houses were full of despair and horror.


At this moment, Xu Qianhe also felt the horror of this mysterious Sword Domain. He wanted to break through the cyan Sword Domain and escape. How could he care about the life and death of the four Xu family Practitioners?

Just a moment’s time.

The lives of the four Practitioners of the Xu family passed away under the power of the Sword Domain in time and space, turning into shriveled corpses and fell to the ground.

See this scene.

Xu Qianhe’s expression also instantly became terrified.

He urged the internal energy of his body with all his strength, and the whole person attacked the cyan Sword Domain like a madness.

It’s just that Jiang Chen’s time Sword Domain has now mastered 2%, and its power is several times stronger than when he was in Xuanyang Mountain.

Even if he faced Xu Qianyun of Shenhai Ninth Stage again, Jiang Chen was confident that he would suffer a big loss.

And Xu Qianhe in front of him is no more than Shenhai Fifth Stage.

This level of strength is simply not enough to break through the barrier of time and space Sword Domain.

Even if Xu Qianhe attacked frantically for a while, he still couldn’t shake the Sword Domain at all!

“Jian…Jiang Chen, I was wrong, please go around me.”

“As long as you are willing to let me go, even if you make me your servant, I am willing.”

After Xu Qianhe attacked for a long time to no avail, the whole person was ten years old under the power of Sword Domain in time and space.

He looked at Jiang Chen in horror, and finally couldn’t help begging Jiang Chen for mercy.

The cyan Sword Domain in front of me is really weird.

If he can’t leave this cyan Sword Domain as soon as possible, I’m afraid he will soon become a corpse.

“Spare you?”

“Since you chose to arrest me for the Thrilled Cloud Gate, how can I spare you!”

Jiang Chen stared at Xu Qianhe indifferently: “What’s more, only if you die can I be safer, right?”

This old guy in front of him is a strong man of Shenhai Fifth Stage.

Even if he is willing to be a slave, he can hardly control it, and staying around is a disaster.


This time he used the Sword Domain of Time and Space, and his body suffered a very serious backlash. The horror required ten days and a half of Closed Door Training to recover.

If this old guy is alive, his whereabouts may be leaked.

In his next state, once the violent looting whereabouts, the consequences would be disastrous.

“Do not……”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was not moved at all, Xu Qianhe’s expression instantly became extremely desperate and frightened.

He went crazy in the Sword Domain.

It’s just that no matter how he struggled, he couldn’t escape from the enchantment of Time Sword Domain in the end.

over time.

Xu Qianhe’s life aura also became weaker and weaker, and eventually followed the footsteps of the four Xu family Practitioners and turned into a shriveled corpse and fell from mid-air.

“Little Huo, hurry…take me out of here.”

After solving Xu Qianhe and his party, Jiang Chen knew that it was no longer suitable to stay here, and hurriedly faced the Huo Lin Beast Dao on the side.

The Fire Lin Beast nodded, and immediately walked to Jiang Chen’s side, let Jiang Chen lean on his back, and then turned into a red streamer and swept toward the depths of the Jingyun Mountain…

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