Chapter 829 This kid is Jiang Chen!

There are still people in the formation?

The sudden scene also caused Xu Qianhe’s expression to change drastically.

He suddenly looked at the valley covered by the formation, and a sharp cold light burst into his eyes: “Who? Get out of me!”

As Xu Qianhe’s voice fell, a young man in black also slowly walked out of the formation.

“Boy, who are you?”

Seeing this young man suddenly walking out of the formation, Xu Qianhe’s eyes narrowed slightly.

do not know why.

Xu Qianhe felt familiar with the black-clothed youth who suddenly appeared in front of him.

“I am the master here!”

Jiang Chen looked at Xu Qianhe and his party faintly, and coldly said: “You attacked my formation without authorization in my turf, and you also injured my fire beast. You also mean to ask who I am?”

“Qianhe Elder, found it, we found it!”

at this time.

The four Xu family Practitioners who were in charge of attacking the formation came to Xu Qianhe’s side with excitement: “This kid is Jiang Chen wanted by the Cloud Gate!”


Xu Qianhe was startled slightly, and then an image in his mind slowly overlapped with the black-clothed youth in front of him.


Xu Qianhe was surprised to find that this kid was really Jiang Chen wanted by the Cloud Gate!

“Haha… I really can’t find a place to break through the iron shoes, it doesn’t take much effort to get it.”

“Jiang Chen, we are worried that we can’t find you, but I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door!”

“It seems that Jingyunmen’s reward is destined to fall into the hands of my Xu family.”

Xu Qianhe suddenly burst into laughter with a smug look on his face.

No wonder he was a bit familiar with this kid at first sight, it turned out that this kid was Jiang Chen who was wanted for a reward from the Cloud Gate!

Looking at Xu Qianhe who was laughing wildly, Jiang Chen’s expression instantly became extremely cold.

“Old man, do you really think you are taking me?”

“If you want to take me to Jingyunmen to receive the reward, you won’t have this opportunity!”

Jiang Chen’s coldly voice fell, directly urging Dayan’s Cloud Swallowing Technique.

at the same time.

The cyan Sword Qi in the void is also quickly condensed into a huge cyan Sword Domain, covering Xu Qianhe and others in it!

Facing the old guy in the Shenhai Fifth Stage in front of him.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate at all, and once again used his strongest hole card Sword Domain.

Since these people in front of him were arresting him on behalf of Jingyunmen, he had to deal with these five people anyway.


Once his whereabouts are exposed, I am afraid that he will be surrounded by more powerful people, and I am afraid that it will be really hard to fly by then!

This time in Closed Door Training, Jiang Chen still has time to break through the Divine Sea Realm in the future.

If you want to solve the power of Shenhai Fifth Stage by surprise, you can only rely on the power of the Sword Domain.

Since the last time he used the Sword Domain in Xuanyang Mountain, Jiang Chen’s control of the Sword Domain has reached 2%, and his power has once again increased a lot.

Even the powerhouse of the Shenhai Fifth Stage in front of you, as long as you are trapped in the Sword Domain, you can never come out alive!

It’s just that the power of the Sword Domain in time and space has increased, and Jiang Chen’s load has also increased sharply.

After he displayed the Sword Domain, his body’s vitality was drained almost instantly, and a mouthful of blood in his mouth could not help but squirt out wildly!

“It seems that we must break through the Divine Sea Realm as soon as possible, otherwise the Sword Domain of Time and Space will probably not be able to be used anymore.”

Jiang Chen stuck the blood dragon sword upside down on the ground and forcibly supported his body, his expression also looked pale.

This time he used the Sword Domain of Time and Space, and the backlash he received was much more serious than the first time in the Kukai Secret Realm.

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