Chapter 750 I think this door is more pleasing to the eye!

Upon seeing this, Zhao Yulong and others hurriedly seized the time to meditate and adjust their breaths to restore the vitality consumed in the body.

Very good.

The time for a stick of incense passed.

Jiang Chen directly ended his meditation and breath adjustment, and stood up and began to observe the eight stone gates in front of him.

This second level endless maze is obviously a very mysterious huge formation.

According to Jiang Chen’s estimate.

Among the eight stone gates, only one of the gates should have a relatively safe entrance.

And the Meteorite Temple only gave half an hour of preparation time.


He must find the relatively safe entrance from the eight stone gates as soon as possible.

Jiang Chen concentrated, his eyes swept across the eight stone gates in front of him.

“Ding! You observe the formation of Eight Trigrams for one minute to trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You understand some of the essence of Eight Trigrams formation!”

“Ding! You observe the formation of Eight Trigrams for one minute to trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You understand some of the essence of Eight Trigrams formation!”


“Ding! You observe the formation of Eight Trigrams for one minute to trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You successfully comprehend the formation of Eight Trigrams, the formation of Eight Trigrams!”

As the system’s prompt sounds continued to sound, Jiang Chen had more and more information about the Eight Trigrams mixed element array in his mind.

This continued for more than ten minutes.

Jiang Chen finally succeeded in mastering the complete Eight Trigrams mixed element array!

After mastering the Eight Trigrams mixed element array.

The eight stone gates in front of him gradually became clear in Jiang Chen’s mind.

It’s just a moment.

Jiang Chen found the safest entrance among the eight stone gates.

“Jiang Chen.”

Just when Jiang Chen found the correct entrance, Zhuo Yunfan’s voice suddenly came over.

Jiang Chen tilted his head and glanced at him: “Something?”

“Jiang Chen, the purpose of all of us now is to pass the trial of the Temple of the Fallen Sky and obtain the rewards of the Temple of the Fallen Sky.”

“Perhaps we can temporarily put aside our grievances and work together to break through the barriers, so that it will be good for everyone.”

Zhuo Yunfan’s eyes flashed, and he said to Jiang Chen.

This kid was able to bring all the Canglan League disciples through the first level, obviously he had some experience in the trial of this meteorite temple.

Choosing to cooperate with Jiang Chen now is undoubtedly a very beneficial thing for them.


Jiang Chen did not refuse.

He smiled and looked at Zhuo Yunfan: “I don’t know what you think about this second level.”

“According to my observation, the second level should be a formation.”

“On weekdays, I do a little research on the formation. If I read it right, the formation in front of me implies the Eight Doors of Dunjia Art. These eight stone doors represent Xiu, Life, Injury, Du, Jing, Death, Fright, and Opening Eight. door.”

“If we want to pass the second level safely, we have to find a new life first.”

Zhuo Yunfan talked freely.

Jiang Chen nodded and smiled: “You have a good analysis, I think the first door on the left is the student!”

“Why do you think it is the first one on the left?”

Zhuo Yunfan’s face sank slightly.

According to his observation, according to the arrangement of the eight doors in front of him, the first door on the left is clearly the dead door.

Either this kid doesn’t understand formation at all, or he wants to mislead him.

“There is no reason, I just saw this door pleasing to the eye after all, so I chose it.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth made a slight arc of ghosts and charms, and immediately ignored Zhuo Yunfan, and directly led Zhao Yulong to the first stone gate on the left…

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