Chapter 749 The second level, the endless maze!

“The front is the end of Bluestone Avenue, we should pass the first pass!”

Looking at the bronze gate ahead, everyone couldn’t help but shake their spirits.

They all gritted their teeth, squeezed the last bit of strength out of their bodies, and rushed towards the bronze gate in front.

call out! call out! call out!

The group quickly crossed the last kilometer of Qingshi Avenue and stepped into the bronze gate.

“The first stage of the Meteorite Temple Trial, Desperate Heavenly Road, those who successfully pass the stage will be rewarded with three Space Energy Stones and one Pill of Transformation!”

Jiang Chen and the others passed through the bronze gate. Before they had time to look at the surroundings, the mechanical voice in the void rang in Jiang Chen and their minds.

at the same time.

More than a dozen mysterious light groups floated down from the void in vain and directly appeared in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

In each light group, there are three space energy stones and one Huayuan Dan!

Look at the reward in front of you.

All the disciples of the Canglan League, including Jiang Chen and Zhao Yulong, seemed very excited at this moment.

To know.

The value of a space energy stone can be exchanged for at least 200,000 Canglan League coins in Canglan League.

Three space energy stones are equivalent to six hundred thousand Canglan coins.

For them, this is definitely a great fortune.

“With three space energy stones, I can finally leave the place of Canglan League.”

Jiang Chen suppressed the excitement in his heart, quickly packed the rewards in front of him, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

What appeared in Jiang Chen’s sight was a strange Great Hall.

In the Great Hall.

More than a dozen powerful Water Dragon Gang disciples headed by Zhuo Yunfan had already appeared here early.

When they saw Jiang Chen and his party, there was an unconcealable shock in their eyes.

To know.

The first level of the Trial of the Meteorite Temple is not simple at all.

Some people in their water dragon gang who were in the Eighth Stage early stage of the Condensed Pill, failed to make it through the Desperate Way in the end.

But behind Jiang Chen.

More than a dozen Canglan disciples actually appeared here one by one.

Including several people who were only capable of condensing the Seventh Stage, they all successfully passed the Desperate Heaven Road!


This is too incredible!

Just when Zhuo Yunfan and others were shocked, the mechanical voice in the void rang in everyone’s ears again.

“The Endless Labyrinth of the second level of the Trial of the Meteorite Temple is about to open.”

“All those who pass the first level of the trial have half an hour of preparation time.”

“Those who have not entered the second endless maze in half an hour will be expelled from the Temple of Meteorite!”

With this voice fell.

There was a sudden rumbling noise in the Great Hall.


I saw that on the stone wall directly in front of the Great Hall, eight identical stone gates appeared directly in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

no doubt.

These eight stone gates are the entrance to the second level of endless maze.

Hearing the voice in the void, many disciples of the Canglan League chose to give up the second level of trial one after another.

after all.

They are very lucky to be able to break through the desperate way and get rewards.

If they continue to the second level, their strength is almost the same as sending death.


Apart from Jiang Chen and Zhao Yulong, only Hong Guang and other three Cultivation Bases who reached the Ninth Stage decided to continue to the second level.

“Everyone, take a break.”

“After a stick of incense, we started to pass the second level.”

Jiang Chen glanced over Zhao Yulong and the other four, found an open space, and meditated cross-legged to adjust his breath.

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