Chapter 747: Running fast, there will be no end to it!

Desperate way!

this moment.

Jiang Chen finally understood the meaning of the Destiny Heavenly Road in the first stage of the trial.

The bluestone avenue where they are now has endless abysses on both sides, and the mysterious wind over the abyss is terrifying.

Even if the Practitioner of Ninth Stage enters it rashly, it is estimated that they will be easily strangled by the wind!

And now.

They will face ten puppet beasts that are comparable to the powerhouses of the Divine Sea Realm!

This bluestone avenue is really a road that can kill people!

Jiang Chen and the others now have no choice at all.

They can only go through this invisible bluestone avenue under the pursuit of these puppet beasts.


This bluestone avenue might be their burial place!

“A puppet beast comparable to an expert in the Divine Sea Realm, run away, everyone!”

the other side.

Zhuo Yunfan’s expression also changed drastically, and hurriedly led a group of water dragon gang disciples to run with Jiang Chen and the others.

Jiang Chen’s figure flickered on the bluestone avenue while looking back at the situation of the puppet beasts behind him.

After a while.

Jiang Chen seemed to have discovered something.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and then he gradually slowed down a lot.

Jiang Chen suddenly slowed down, which also caused Zhao Yulong and others behind him to be stunned for a moment.

Zhao Yulong asked with a puzzled look: “Junior Brother Jiang, you are…”

Now there are ten sixth-rank puppets chasing after them.

If they ran ahead, there would be a group of Water Dragon Gang disciples who would stand behind them.

If this slows down and is surpassed by the Water Dragon Gang, wouldn’t they become a backstop?

“Ha ha……”

“The first level of this trial, Destiny Heavenly Road, can’t just run fast.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised a ghostly smile: “You just follow me, I promise you won’t harm you.”

Jiang Chen and the others slowed down suddenly, which also caused De Zhuo Yunfan and the others to be taken aback.

However, Zhuo Yunfan and others didn’t think much about it.

They sprinted with all their strength, soon surpassed Jiang Chen and the others, and left Jiang Chen and the others far behind.

Jiang Chen remained unmoved, still walking along the Bluestone Avenue at an unhurried speed.

very quickly.

Zhao Yulong and the others also found something unusual.

Although Jiang Chen led them to slow down, the puppet beasts behind him never caught up with them.

From beginning to end.

They all kept a distance of nearly a hundred feet from those puppet beasts!

“Junior Brother Jiang is so insightful, these puppet beasts seem to be much slower than the average Divine Sea Realm powerhouse!”

Zhao Yulong suddenly said with a look of admiration.

“If the speed of these puppet beasts is comparable to that of the powerhouses of the Divine Sea Realm, then we are all going to be buried on this Desperate Heavenly Road today.”

“According to my observation, the speed of these puppet beasts is only comparable to that of the ordinary Seventh Stage Practitioner, and we can maintain this speed.”

“We don’t know how far this bluestone avenue is. Running fast, the vitality in the body is consumed too fast, I am afraid that there will be no good end.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, his expression extremely calm and calm.

When Zhao Yulong and others heard Jiang Chen’s words, their hearts were also terrified.

If they run on this bluestone avenue with all their strength, the vitality in their bodies will be exhausted at most an hour.

Once the vitality in the body is exhausted, they will not be able to walk out of the bluestone avenue, and I am afraid they will soon be overtaken by the puppet beast behind them.

It’s really going to be that time.

Zhao Yulong and the others don’t have to wonder how miserable it will be to wait for their end.

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