Chapter 746 The first level of the trial, Desperate Way!


Jiang Chen and his party passed through the gate of the Meteorite Temple and appeared directly in a slightly dimly lit space.

Under their feet is a mysterious bluestone avenue with no end in sight.

The bluestone avenue is about ten feet wide, with endless abysses on both sides, and there are violent gusts of wind blowing over the abyss.

Even Jiang Chen felt a dangerous breath from the fierce wind.

“Is this the Temple of Meteorite.”

Everyone looked at the surroundings, and their expressions were all excited.

Originally, the Water Dragon Gang had dominated the Meteorite Temple strongly, and they had lost their thoughts about the Meteorite Temple.

Who knows that Jiang Chen is even more domineering.

He killed a king-level genius of the Water Dragon Gang with a single sword, and led them into the Meteorite Temple first under the eyes of everyone in the Water Dragon Gang.

The Temple of the Fallen Sky, this is definitely the biggest opportunity in the Kukai secret realm.

call out! call out! call out!

While Jiang Chen and the others were looking at the surrounding environment.

Soon there was a sizzling sound in the air.

I saw that the Water Dragon Gang disciple headed by Zhuo Yunfan also quickly appeared on the Bluestone Avenue.

“Junior Brother Jiang, Zhuo Yunfan and the others have also come in.”

A cold light flashed in Zhao Yulong’s eyes, and he whispered to Jiang Chen, “Should we get rid of them first?”

“Forget it, they are so crowded and powerful, we don’t have the advantage if we really want to start.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

This time, many people in the Canglan League, led by Cangya, did not come to the Temple of Fallen Sky.

They entered the Meteorite Temple in less than half of the Water Dragon Gang, and their strength was not as good as that of the Water Dragon Gang disciples.

not to mention……

Now for Jiang Chen, the most important thing is to obtain the space energy stone through the trial of the Temple of Fallen Sky.

Jiang Chen didn’t want to waste his strength and energy on Zhuo Yunfan and others.

Before being forced, Jiang Chen didn’t plan to do anything easily with Zhuo Yunfan and others.

“The Trial of the Meteorite Temple is open, and the first level is Desperate Heavenly Road!”

Just as Jiang Chen was talking with Zhao Yulong, a mechanical cold voice suddenly came from the void.

Everyone still didn’t understand what was going on in this Desperate Heavenly Road.

A thunderous rumbling sound came from behind them.

Jiang Chen and the others suddenly looked back, and saw dozens of huge shadows exuding a frightening atmosphere rushing towards them aggressively.

This…what is this.

Everyone stared blankly at the huge shadows behind them, and their hearts were shocked.

But at the moment when everyone was stunned.

The first shadow had clearly appeared in Jiang Chen’s sight.

This is a weird behemoth that is three feet tall.

The two huge pupils of the giant beast were glowing with the cold light of Qingyou, and the whole body exuded a fierce aura.

Under the pressure of that giant beast’s breath, many weaker people in the field even had difficulty breathing.

“Junior Brother Jiang, this is the puppet beast concentrated in the ancient books. The puppet beast was refined from the body of the sixth rank Demonic Beasts!”

Zhao Yulong saw the appearance of the giant beast, and his expression changed drastically.


Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at all, and he slid towards the front of the bluestone avenue.

The sixth rank puppet beast is almost indistinguishable from the sixth rank Demonic Beasts. It is a terrifying existence comparable to the power of the Divine Sea Realm.

If it is a sixth rank puppet, they may be able to cope with one or two.

But now behind them, such a puppet beast appeared for a long time!

For Jiang Chen and the others, the bluestone avenue in front is their only way to survive!

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