Chapter 733 Fighting against the king-level genius Zhuo Yunfan!


The terrifying sword intent collided with the Sword intent in mid-air, and the invisible air wave swept away in an instant.


Zhuo Yunfan’s figure trembled, and immediately the whole person was retreated ten steps away.

He looked up at Jiang Chen, who was also only retreated for ten steps, and there was an incredible shock in his eyes.


After Zhuo Yunfan was slightly shocked for a moment, he soon recovered his calm again.

“Second Stage completes Realm’s Sword intent, which surprised me a bit.”

Zhuo Yunfan stared at Jiang Chen like a knife: “But… even if you realize that the Second Stage completes the Sword intent, you still can’t stop me from killing you!”

Zhuo Yunfan’s coldly voice fell, and his sharp sword intent swept the entire sky again with an aura of dominance over the world.

“Junior Brother Jiang, this person is a king-level genius of the Water Dragon Gang, and you will not be his opponent.”

“It’s all my fault, if it weren’t for my subpoena, you wouldn’t have been in such a danger Realm!”

“I’ll stop him, you get out of here quickly.”

Zhao Yulong’s expression anxiously said to Jiang Chen, and then he was about to stand in front of Jiang Chen.


Zhao Yulong had just taken a step, but Jiang Chen’s palm grabbed his shoulder.

“Brother Zhao, leave it to me. This guy is here for me, so if you say it’s troublesome, it should be me who troubles you.”

“What’s more… this guy is not just a genius of the Water Dragon Gang king rank, but you don’t need to work hard!”

“You are here to wait for me for a moment, to see how I defeat him!”

Jiang Chen gave a faint chuckle, and the Second Stage completed the Sword Intent soaring into the sky, with a fierce aura that was not inferior to Zhuo Yunfan’s sword intent.

boom! boom! boom!

Two completely different Martial Dao really intend to clash in mid-air, with the invisible sword Sword Qi raging in vaguely, as if the clouds in the sky are about to be pierced.

Just blink of an eye.

The two men’s sword intent and Sword intent have fought in mid-air more than ten times.

Zhuo Yunfan looked at Jiang Chen, who had not lost the slightest in the Martial Dao duel, his expression became colder.

This person’s talent is definitely not inferior to the existence of a king-level genius.

If he was given some time, he would definitely become the leader of the younger generation of Canglan League!

For public and private, he will kill this kid here today!

“Sword intent infinitely close to the third stage!”

“For so many years, Martial Dao’s true meaning can be matched with my sword intent, and you are still the first of your peers.”

“It’s a pity that with your current Cultivation Base, you still don’t even have the qualifications to make me face it!”

Zhuo Yunfan stared at Jiang Chen murderously, and immediately drew out the profound iron long knife behind him with a clanging sound.

Although the kid in front of him is extremely talented in swordsmanship, his understanding of Sword intent is no less inferior to his sword intent.

But after all, he is just a hairy boy who has not yet reached the age of twenty.

Before entering the Konghai Secret Realm, this kid was nothing but the Cultivation Base of the Fifth Stage.

Even if there is an opportunity in the Konghai Secret Realm, now that it has reached the Seventh Stage of Condensation Pill, that is nothing more.

In Zhuo Yunfan’s eyes, such a Cultivation Base is still no different from Ants!

“Break the waves with three knives!”

Zhuo Yunfan didn’t plan to waste time with Jiang Chen.

He slowly raised the black iron long knife, and then swiped it three times.

In an instant…

Three terrifying blue swords cut through the space, and with an indomitable domineering aura, they slashed at Jiang Chen fiercely.

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