Chapter 732 Want to kill me, do you have that qualification!

After half an hour.

Jiang Chen finally arrived at the target location based on the message left by Zhao Yulong.

“It’s the waterfall in front!”

From a distance, Jiang Chen saw a huge waterfall with a height of one hundred feet.

The water flow of the waterfall, like the Milky Way falling from Nine Heavens, looks very majestic and majestic.

His eyes swept around the waterfall.

Jiang Chen’s figure instantly turned into a waning moon, passing directly through the waterfall and entering the cave behind.

“Junior Brother Jiang?”

As soon as Jiang Chen entered the cave, a weak voice came from the cave.

Jiang Chen followed the voice and looked over, and found Zhao Yulong’s figure in a hidden corner deep in the cave.

“Brother Zhao, how could you be hurt like this?”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but be surprised when he looked at Zhao Yulong, whose breath was wilted and there was no blood on his face.

Zhao Yulong is one of the two king-level geniuses of Canglan League.

As a Cultivation Base, he has reached the pinnacle of Ninth Stage, and his combat power is unparalleled in Transcendent.

Even if it is a strong person facing the ordinary Shenhai First Stage, Zhao Yulong is completely capable of fighting.

It can be said.

In this Kukai secret realm, there are only a handful of people who can compare with Zhao Yulong!

It was hard for Jiang Chen to imagine that someone would have wounded Zhao Yulong like this.

“For a moment, I was attacked by two king-level geniuses of the Water Dragon Gang, and it was hit hard.”

Zhao Yulong gave a wry smile, and immediately asked, “How many disciples of the Canglan League are here now?”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said: “When I came here just now, I didn’t see any Canglan League disciples.”

When Zhao Yulong heard Jiang Chen’s words, his already pale complexion instantly became even more ugly.

As one of the two king-level geniuses of Canglan League.

Although Zhao Yulong’s appeal in Canglan League is not as good as Cangya, it is not much worse.

It’s been a full half an hour since he sent out a distress message, how could there be no disciples from the Canglan League to come?

“Brother Zhao, there is something weird at this time, let’s change the place first.”

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

Tell him directly that Zhao Yulong was suddenly attacked by two water dragon gang king-level geniuses. I am afraid it is not so simple on the surface.


Zhao Yulong nodded, and then quickly swept out of the cave with Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen and the two of them had just rushed out of the waterfall, but a monstrous breath rose into the sky from the dense forest on the side.

The two people’s eyes sank slightly, and then they looked up at the dense forest.


A cold young man with a long knife on his back appeared in Jiang Chen’s sight in an instant.

“Zhuo Yunfan!”

Zhao Yulong looked at the cruel youth who stepped slowly, and his expression changed drastically.

That’s right!

This cruel youth who appeared suddenly was naturally Zhuo Yunfan, the king-level genius of the Water Dragon Gang.

Zhuo Yunfan stepped slowly in midair.

He stared at Jiang Chen like a knife, and his cold voice resounded from this place.

“Jiang Chen, I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

“You kill my brother Zhuo Yunfan, today I will sacrifice my brother’s soul with your blood!”

Zhuo Yunfan’s cold voice fell, and the sharp knife intent instantly turned into a ten-foot-long knife shadow, which was like a force smashing Huashan and slammed down at Jiang Chen.

“Hehe… It’s really generous.”

“It turns out that you teamed up to attack Senior Brother Zhao just to get me out.”

“But… you want to take my life, do you have that qualification!”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, Second Stage completed Sword intent also condensed a ten-foot-long divine sword phantom in the void, which slammed into Zhuo Yunfan’s sword intent.

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