Chapter 669: Cultivation of Spirit Gathering Hall!

Leaving the firescale beast to Liu Lingzhu, Jiang Chen exhorted Liu Lingzhu a few words, and then left alone.

Leave the bronze disciple area.

Jiang Chen didn’t rush back to his residence, but went directly to the Spirit Gathering Hall of the Canglan League.

Although he just showed confidence in front of Liu Lingzhu and others.

After all, Wu Yue, the chairman of the Cannibal Moon Society, is a golden disciple in the Fifth Stage realm.

This person’s combat power is probably not inferior to the ordinary Seventh Stage Practitioner.

With the strength of his first stage of condensing pill, even with many hole cards, it is not easy to defeat Wu Yue.

Gathering Hall.

In the Canglan League, there is a Great Hall dedicated to the cultivation of disciples, and the entire Great Hall is covered by a Seventh-Rank Spirit Gathering Array.

It is precisely because of the existence of this seventh-ranking spirit gathering array that the richness of vitality in the spirit gathering hall is almost ten times that of the outside world.


Although the Temple of Spirit Gathering is the place of cultivation that all the disciples of the Canglan League dream of, it is not easy to enter it for cultivation.

Because every day you enter the Spirit Gathering Hall cultivation, you have to consume at least one hundred Canglan coins.

This requires high consumption, which is simply unbearable for most ordinary disciples who can only earn a few hundred Canglan coins a month.

Even if one enters the Spirit Gathering Palace cultivation for one day, it is an extremely extravagant thing.

The Spirit Gathering Hall is somewhat similar to the Heavenly Martial Sage Hall of Taixu Zong, as long as the identity token has enough Canglan coins to enter.


Jiang Chen came to the door of the Juling Hall and entered it easily without encountering any obstacles.

The Canglan League’s Spirit Gathering Hall has four layers in total, and the cultivation effect of each layer has almost doubled.

All disciples on the first floor can enter, and one hundred Canglan coins need to be deducted a day.

On the second floor, only disciples of silver and above can enter, and it takes two hundred Canglan coins a day.

The third level requires at least gold disciples to enter, and cultivation requires five hundred Canglan coins a day.

As for the final fourth floor, only king-level geniuses can enter.

In addition, king-level geniuses also have exclusive privileges, and they don’t need to consume any Canglan coins for cultivation in the Spirit Gathering Hall.

Enter the first floor of Ju Ling Hall.

Jiang Chen felt a strong vitality rushing toward his face.

When he scanned the Great Hall slightly, he found that there were hundreds of stone platforms like circular archery targets, distributed ring by ring in the extremely spacious Great Hall.

On these stone platforms, many figures are cultivating with their eyes closed and their legs crossed.

Jiang Chen even vaguely felt it.

These cultivation stone platforms also have a peculiar energy cover, which isolates the cultivation stone platforms from the outside world.

His eyes stayed on these figures for a while.

Jiang Chen didn’t stay too much on the first floor, and walked directly toward the second floor of the Spirit Gathering Hall.

Compared with the spacious first floor, the area of ​​the second floor is significantly smaller.

Even the cultivation stone platform in the Great Hall is half of that on the first floor, only a hundred.


Jiang Chen still didn’t stop on the second floor, and walked directly into the third floor.

The space size of the third floor is almost the same as that of the second floor.

The number of cultivation stone platforms here is extremely small, with only more than 20 scattered around the Great Hall.

Jiang Chen’s gaze swept slightly, and immediately fell on the cultivation stone platform closest to him.

And around Jiang Chen.

Several golden disciples in cultivation were startled when they saw Jiang Chen who suddenly appeared.


They couldn’t help showing a strange look in their gazes looking at Jiang Chen.

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