Chapter 668 If he dares to come, I will resolve it myself!

“Jiang Dage, the strength of the Waning Moon Society is too strong, what should we do now?”

A wry smile appeared in Liu Lingzhu’s beautiful eyes.

She originally thought.

With a King of Hundred Stars like Jiang Chen, they formed the Canghai Guild on the island, and it shouldn’t be difficult to win a place among the disciples of the Canglan League.

But now she realized that she was still too naive.

With the powerful strength of the Waning Moon Society, even Jiang Chen would have difficulty contending with it.

“Miss, the best way now is to forbear it temporarily.”

“Jiang Dage is the King of Hundred Stars, almost comparable to the existence of a king-level genius.”

“I believe that with Jiang Dage’s talent, he should soon be able to grow into an existence of the level of Wu Yue, the president of the Waning Moon Society.”

Liu Ying also said solemnly.

The strength of the Waning Moon Society is really too strong.

Although Jiang Chen, as the King of Hundred Stars, is indeed very talented, he is a new golden disciple after all.

With the strength of Jiang Chen alone, it is indeed difficult to contend with Wan Yuehui.

“It’s useless, Wu Yue, the president of the Waning Moon Society, is cruel and decisive.”

“He knows the potential of a Hundred Star King better than you, and will not leave Brother Jiang Chen with any growth opportunities.”

“If what I expected is good, within three days, the waning moon will be rolled out and re-emerged.”

Liu Shuo shook his head and said.

When the two daughters of Liu Lingzhu heard this, their complexions were not so good.

Liu Ying was even more angrily and said: “This Canglan League recruits disciples in the Canghai Island every year. After recruiting, it is too much to allow us to bully in the Canglan League!”

“Nothing is too much.”

“The Weak are Prey to the Strong and the survival of the strong are the laws of this world. The Canglan League is only using this to train disciples, so that the Canglan League disciples can feel the cruelty of the whole world in advance.”

“Generally speaking, as long as no life is lost, Canglan Alliance will not interfere in the struggle between disciples.”

Liu Shuo’s face was calm and authentic.

As an old man who had survived in the Canglan League for a year, Liu Shuo was obviously not surprised by this kind of thing.

“Then what should we do now, can we really only let the people of the Waning Moon Society bully?”

Liu Lingzhu suddenly showed a look of unwillingness.

“Ha ha……”

“It’s just a waning moon meeting, it’s no big deal.”

“You can form the Cang Hai Hui with peace of mind. If anyone comes to the Cang Hai Hui, I will take care of it.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

With a move of his palm, he directly released the firescale beast from the beast taming bag.

Since the bloodline awakened last time, the strength of the firescale beast has been increasing at a terrifying speed.

Now the Firescale Beast has reached the fifth rank middle stage, and its combat power is not inferior to the Practitioner of the Fourth Stage of Condensed Pill. It can be said to be very powerful.

“Lingzhu, my firescale beast is powerful enough to rival the Practitioner in the Fourth Stage of Pill Condensation.”

“The Waning Moon Society, except Wu Yue, should have no choice but to get it.”

Jiang Chen smiled and looked at Liu Lingzhu and said, “Now I let the Firescale Beast follow you, you can rest assured to form the Canghai Club.”

Looking at the fire scale beast that Jiang Chen summoned, Liu Lingzhu’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help showing a look of hope.

“What if Wu Yue, the chairman of the Waning Moon Society, made the shot himself?”

Liu Ying said with a worried look.

Although Jiang Chen’s firescale beast is very strong, if they can’t compete with Wu Yue, the president of the Waning Moon Society, they may still be unable to survive in the Canglan League.

“rest assured.”

Jiang Chen smiled confidently, and the quiet voice of Feng Qingyun sounded directly in Liu Lingzhu’s ears.

“If he dares to come, I will solve it myself!”

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