Chapter 615 Liu Family Special Disciples of Ke Qing, You Are Not Worthy!

The Liu family, the meeting hall.

When Liu Lingzhu and Jiang Chen came here, there were already a few Daoist shadows gathered here in the hall.

Sitting in the first place was an old man in a white robe with silver hair.

The white-robed old man seemed to be in advanced years, but his eyes were very energetic, and his whole body exuded an aura of no anger and self-prestige.

Through the introduction of Liu Lingzhu.

Jiang Chen soon learned the identity of the white-robed old man.

He is the big Elder Liu Yizhen of the Liu Family, the powerhouse of the Third Stage of Shenhai.

Liu Yizhen’s strength is not only limited to that of Liu Xuanfeng, the head of the Liu family, but also a figure of the same generation as Liu Xuanfeng’s father.

Not long ago.

The head of the Liu family, Liu Xuanfeng, was injured outside and is training in Closed Door Training. Now all matters concerning the size of the Liu family are presided over by Elder Liu Yizhen.

Except for the big Elder Liu Yizhen.

There are still two Daoist shadows in the conference hall.

One of the middle-aged eagle-eyed eyes was sitting under Liu Yizhen’s head.

This middle-aged eagle eye is the Little Brother of Liu Xuanfeng, the head of the Liu Family, and Liu Xuanying, one of the Elders of the Liu Family’s Divine Sea Realm.

Beside Liu Xuanying, there was an eighteen or nine-year-old boy standing beside him.

The juvenile Cultivation Base is not strong, even a bit weaker than Jiang Chen of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage, but the fifth rank intermediate trainer badge on his chest is very conspicuous.

The fifth rank intermediate beast trainer who is less than twenty years old is almost unique in the Northern Wild Continent.

“Lingzhu girl, why did you come here?”

When Jiang Chen and the two appeared at the entrance of the discussion hall, the old chuckle of Elder Liu Yizhen also rang in the discussion hall.

“Grandpa Yi Zhen, didn’t I tell you last night, I want to introduce a genius to you today to become the special disciple of our Liu family.”

Liu Lingzhu smiled sweetly and introduced to Liu Yizhen: “This Young Master Jiang Chen Jiang is the one I want to introduce to you.”

“Lingzhu, you are such a fool!”

“How noble is my status as a special Keqing disciple from the Liu family, and whoever wants to be can become it?”

Before Liu Yizhen could speak, Liu Xuanying on the side took the lead in sternly drinking at Liu Lingzhu.

“Second Uncle, I didn’t make a fool of myself.”

Liu Lingzhu tilted his head to look at Liu Xuanying, frowning slightly and said: “Liu Ying said, Jiang’s Martial Dao talent is not inferior to a king-level genius. He is fully qualified to be our Liu family’s special guest disciple.”

“Just him? Still a king-level genius?”

Liu Xuanying sneered disdainfully and said: “Have you ever seen a real king-level genius? If he is really a king-level genius, how could he appear in the island of Canghai Island?”

A king-level genius, as the name suggests, is a peerless genius who has the potential to grow into a king of the Soul Realm.

Such a genius is rare even among the two-star forces.

If this kid was really a king-level genius, he would have already been picked up by the Canglan League, how could he appear in their Liu family?

“I haven’t seen a king-level genius. Did you meet your second uncle?”

Liu Lingzhu asked back: “How did the second uncle know that Young Master Jiang is not a king-level genius?”

“Lingzhu, you are really a king-level genius and you are the cabbage on the street. Can you meet it if you want to?”

Liu Xuanying’s expression sank.

He turned his eagle eyes and looked directly at Jiang Chen with sharp eyes, and his cold voice also resounded in the hall.

“Boy, you can’t pretend to be a king-level genius if you want to, just get out of here.”

“If you want to be my special disciple of the Liu family, you are not worthy!”

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