Chapter 614 The division of power in the Central State Continent!

The Liu family, Qingluan leads the first family.

As one of the strongest forces led by Qingluan, the Liu family occupies a large area of ​​prosperous land in the eastern part of Qingluan.

Jiang Chen followed Liu Lingzhu’s two daughters into Qingluan City and soon arrived at the Liu Family Mansion.

As a guest invited by Miss Liu’s family, Jiang Chen naturally became a guest of the Liu family and moved into the VIP residence of the Liu family.

After Jiang Chen stayed in Liu’s house, he asked Liu Lingzhu for a detailed introduction about Canghai Island.

After some investigation, Jiang Chen finally had a general understanding of Cangdao Island.

Cangdao Island is one of the peripheral areas in the northern part of the Zhongzhou mainland. There are four territories including Qingluan.

These four territories, the power of each territory, are almost not inferior to the Northern Wild Continent.

Take the first family Liu Family led by Qingluan, the strength is even stronger than the strongest Divine Sword Sect of the Northern Wilderness Three Sects.

Liu Xuanfeng, the head of the Liu family, was also Liu Lingzhu’s father, and was a strong man in the Fourth Stage of Shenhai.

In addition, the number of Liu Family Divine Sea Realm powerhouses is more than that of Divine Sword Sect.


Such a family almost enough to dominate the Northern Wild Continent, there are four or five in Cangdao Island.

What shocked Jiang Chen even more.

Families like the Liu Family are actually non-influential existences in the Zhongzhou mainland, even if they are not even the lowest one-star power on the mainland.

Central China.

This is a vast world with no country and no kingship, and there are only large and small family Sect forces.

Here The Weak are Prey to the Strong and the rule of respect for the strong are particularly prominent, and competition for interests between major forces often occurs.

The fate of the weak will always be in the hands of the strong.

According to the power of the power, the power of the Central State Continent is divided into five stars.

The most important thing about the division of power stars is to see what kind of power the power has.

Generally speaking.

A power that possesses a powerful Ninth Stage realm in the Shenhai can be called a one-star power.

On the island where Jiang Chen is now, there is only one powerhouse of Shenhai Ninth Stage, and that is the island owner of the island.

In other words.

All the forces on the entire Cangdao Island can barely be counted as a one-star force.

And the two-star forces, which are stronger than the one-star forces, are the kings who need Divine Soul Realm.

For example, the Canglan League, which is closest to the Canghai Island in the northern part of the Central State Continent, is a two-star force with the king of the Soul Realm.

As for the three-star power, it even possesses the terrifying existence of the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm!

Samsung forces, even in the mainland of Central China, are very rare.

Any three-star power is almost a behemoth that dominates the Zhongzhou mainland.


These are still too far away for Jiang Chen now.

At present, the most important thing for Jiang Chen is to use the Liu Family to pass the assessment of the two-star force Canglan League in the northern part of the Zhongzhou mainland and become a disciple of the Canglan League.

Because only the two-star forces that the King of Soul Realm sits in can build a long-distance teleportation array.

Jiang Chen wanted to go to Yandi City to find Xiao Duli, and the Canglan League would undoubtedly be his first step.

No words for a night.

Early the next morning.

Liu Lingzhu found Jiang Chen and said that he wanted to give Jiang Chen the title of a special guest disciple of the Liu family.

The Liu family disciples are divided into two types: Keqing disciples and family disciples, and each type of disciple is strictly hierarchical.

The special guest disciple, this is an extremely rare existence in the Liu family, and the status is almost equal to the family’s core disciple.

Only when Jiang Chen became the special disciple of the Liu family, could he be qualified for a Canglan League assessment!

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