Chapter 608 A strange world!

Jiang Chen stepped onto the teleportation formation, only feeling that he had entered an extremely dark passage.

After a long period of spinning around.

The surrounding darkness finally dissipated in an instant, and a bright light appeared in Jiang Chen’s sight.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen discovered that own body was falling rapidly.

“I’m going, why are you in mid-air.”

Jiang Chen was shocked and quickly ran his Yuan Li to stabilize his figure, floating down from mid-air.

It was only when he was running his Yuan Li that he realized that the Yuan Li’s consumption rate here was several times faster than that of the Northern Wild Continent.

And the vitality of heaven and earth contained in the surrounding air was many times stronger than that of the Northern Wild Continent.

Even the Sect land of the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness is far from comparable.

“This should be the mainland China, right?”

Jiang Chen was a little uncertain.

Just now, he fell directly from mid-air. Obviously, there was an accident during the teleportation process, and it did not teleport to the fixed point of the formation.

“Find someone first and make sure if this is the mainland of Zhongzhou.”

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly.

There was an accident in the teleportation, and it might not be so easy for him to find Xiao Duli smoothly.

The most important thing for Jiang Chen now is to figure out where he is now.

Jiang Chen looked at the surrounding environment and found that he was in a huge deserted mountain range.

After roughly distinguishing the direction, Jiang Chen quickly flashed out of the mountain range…

at the same time.

At a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles from where Jiang Chen was located, the Xiao family of Yandi City on the Zhongzhou mainland.

Xiao Duli who was cross-legged cultivating suddenly sensed something, his face suddenly changed.


“I forgot to tell that kid that the four yuan stones that he gave him can only support him to transmit it by himself. That kid carries a fire beast with him, and it is impossible to transmit it to my designated location.”

“This is a little troublesome, I hope I can rely on my own ability to find this Yandi City.”

Jiang Chen naturally didn’t know that he had an accident this time, it was entirely because of the existence of the fire beast.

He truly explored the mountains in front of him.

An hour later.

Jiang Chen walked hundreds of miles in the mountains.

On the way, Jiang Chen encountered many powerful Demonic Beasts, and even occasionally sensed the breath of the fifth rank Demonic Beasts.

In an unfamiliar environment, Jiang Chen did not want to waste energy on these Demonic Beasts.

Facing the powerful Demonic Beasts, Jiang Chen took a detour carefully, trying to avoid conflicts with them.


Just as Jiang Chen was cautiously walking forward in the mountains, there was a sudden roar of heavenly beasts in front of him.

“There seems to be someone in front.”

Feeling the movement from the front, Jiang Chen was overjoyed and hurriedly flashed forward.

“Miss, run, there are two moiré beasts running across here, we are not opponents at all.”

Before Jiang Chen flashed a few tens of meters away, two silhouettes fleeing in panic appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

The two girls are similar in age to Jiang Chen, one of them is wearing a robe of alchemist, and the other is a swordsman in the first stage of Cultivation Base.

The two appeared very embarrassed under the chase of two fifth rank Demonic Beasts.

call out!

Suddenly, I saw one of the moiré rushing thunder beasts with a wave of claws, a silver energy cut through the sky, and instantly smashed the famous girl in the robe of the alchemist.


The girl suddenly turned pale, her pretty face turned pale in an instant.

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