Chapter 607 Departure, heading to the mainland of Zhongzhou!

“Qingxue, put these things away quickly, and we will return to Tianyue Sect immediately!”

It took a long time for Mingyue’s heart to recover from the horror, and her beautiful face showed an extremely solemn expression.

Heavenly rank martial arts, one of the few existences in the entire Northern Wild Continent.

At the time, the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce auctioned only a volume of scraps, and its value was not as good as one-tenth of the full version!

Condensation Sword Pill, the legendary heaven-defying Medicine Pill capable of Ascension Sword intent.

Any condensed sword pill is the treasure that all sword repairers dream of!

If the news of these twenty Condensation Sword Pills and Heavenly Grade Sword Skills were to be spread, I am afraid she would not be sure to take Meng Qingxue back to Tianyue Sect safely.

Jiang Chen left the Black Dragon City and rode towards Taixu Zong all the way on the Fire Lin beast.

After half a month.

Jiang Chen returned to Taixu Sect and obtained what Xiao Duli had left from the hands of Alchemy Hall’s deputy chief Qin Zu.

Rested in Taixuzong for two days.

Jiang Chen briefly prepared, then quietly left Taixu Zong and embarked on a new journey alone.

According to the message left by Xiao Duli.

The place Jiang Chen was going to this time was the most expansive Zhongzhou Continent on the Shenwu Continent.

Martial Dao Sacred Land in Shenwu Continent, Zhongzhou Continent.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth here is several times thicker and purer than the Northern Wild Continent.

Here Martial Dao is prosperous, all kinds of cultivation inheritance, blood and spirit bodies emerge in endlessly.

There are countless strong people here, with peerless power above the Divine Sea Realm.

When Jiang Chen received the message left by his master Xiao Duli, his blood boiled over, and he had an infinite yearning for the Zhongzhou mainland.

Follow the route left by Xiao Duli.

Jiang Chen traveled all the way, and finally came to a hidden valley thousands of miles away from Taixuzong in the Shenhuang Ancient Land.

“This place should be the place where Master arranged the teleportation array to the Zhongzhou Continent.”

Looking at the valley in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low murmur.

Ten thousand years ago, an earth-shattering and peerless battle took place in Shenwu Continent.

It is said that during that battle, the northern corner of the Shenwu Continent was cut with a sword by one of the heaven-defying powerhouses, and separated from the Shenwu Continent, forming a barren land isolated from the outside world like the Northern Wilderness.

Xiao Duli was originally from the mainland of Zhongzhou. He came to the Northern Wilderness because of an accident.

In the past few years when he came to the Northern Wilderness, Xiao Duli has been collecting materials for the Spatial Teleportation array, and finally set up a teleportation array to the Central State Continent in this valley.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and then stepped into the valley.

Not long.

Jiang Chen found the cave mentioned by Xiao Duli in the valley, and then found a simple teleportation array in the cave.

With a slight glance on the teleportation array, Jiang Chen took out the four mysterious stones left by Xiao Duli and placed them in the four card slots of the teleportation array.


With the four stones inlaid.

The entire teleportation array was buzzing, and a strange light radiated from the teleportation array in an instant.

Immediately afterwards.

On the formation pattern around the teleportation array, there are strong spatial fluctuations.

Seeing the teleportation formation started, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but an expression of excitement appeared in his eyes.

“Zhongzhou mainland, I’m Jiang Chen here!”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, immediately his body shape flashed, and he directly stepped onto the teleportation formation.

On the teleportation formation, a mysterious layer of Jinghui instantly enveloped Jiang Chen’s figure.

After a while.

I saw that Jiang Chen’s figure quickly faded on the teleportation formation, and finally disappeared without a trace on the teleportation formation out of thin air…

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