Chapter 597 Xiao Duli’s terrifying power!

“Master, why are you here?”

Jiang Chen looked at Xiao Duli who suddenly appeared in front of him, and a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

On the side, Tai Xuzong Sect Leader Xu Yun Tian saw Xiao Duli, and his heart was also suddenly relieved.

Blood Shadow Venerable Xue Wuying is too strong, if Xiao Duli does not appear, I am afraid he will not be able to protect Jiang Chen.

“I have been by your side, but you never noticed it.”

Xiao Duli smiled and said: “The Northern Wilderness is not so peaceful now. I don’t want to accidentally happen to the baby disciple I just received.”

“Who is your Excellency and why do you interfere with the deity’s affairs?”

Xue Wuying stared closely at the figure that suddenly appeared, and a solemn expression flashed in Yaoyi’s eyes.

Do not know why.

With the strength of his Shenhai Fourth Stage peak, Xue Wuying actually felt an extremely dangerous aura from the look of the person in front of him.

“Ha ha……”

“Dignantly, a strong man at the peak of Shenhai Fourth Stage, so he didn’t wanting to face my disciple, and he was ashamed to ask me why I interfered with your affairs?”

Xiao Duli smiled coldly: “My apprentice, Xiao Duli, can’t be killed if you want to!”

“Your Excellency should not belong to the Three Sects. As long as you are willing to take your apprentice away and don’t interfere with the Three Sects, you can stop this matter.”

This sudden appearance of Xiao Duli is mysterious and powerful.

Without being forced, Xue Wuying didn’t want to have a head-on conflict with him.

“First, I, Xiao Duli, worked as the Dantang Hall Master in Taixu Sect for several years, and I have some affection with Taixu Sect. How can I stand by and watch the Taixu Sect’s affairs.”

“Second, from the moment you shot my disciple, you were destined to pay a heavy price for it!”

Xiao Duli glanced at Xue Wuying and said lightly, “Leave one arm, don’t let the Blood Demon Hall appear in the Northern Wilderness within five years, I will spare you not to die!”

“Do you really want to be an enemy of my Blood Demon Hall?”

Xue Wuying’s face instantly became extremely gloomy.

“Ha ha……”

“A mere Northern Wilderness Blood Demon Hall is also worthy of being my enemy, Xiao Duli?”

Xiao Duli laughed wildly in disdain.

With a wave of his palm, the heaven and earth vitality in the air instantly condensed into a strange fiery red energy.

The fiery red energy directly formed a special area in the space within ten feet of Xue Wuying, covering the whole person of Xue Wuying.

The next moment…

The bloody figure of Xue Wuying had already flown upside down from that special area.

When everyone saw Xue Wuying’s miserable appearance, they couldn’t help taking a breath.

I saw the blood-colored robe on Xue Wuying’s body, there was no more intact place, and the whole body exuded a scorched smell.

Especially Xue Wuying’s right arm was already empty at this moment, as if the entire arm had been burned into nothingness by an extremely terrifying force!

Seeing this shocking scene in front of him, the square was suddenly silent.

Even the five god-tier sea realm powerhouses of Taixu Sect who are more familiar with Xiao Duli, at this moment, it is difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

Although they knew that Xiao Duli was very strong, they did not expect Xiao Duli’s strength to be so terrifying!

Tangtang Blood Demon Hall, one of the two guardians of the Hall of Blood Demon, the bloodless shadow of the Northern Wild Continent known a thousand years ago, was so easily defeated by him!

“You…who are you?”

Xiao Duli with a pale complexion on Xue Wuying’s face, a look of horror that was hard to conceal appeared in his eyes.

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