Chapter 596 Who dares to hurt my disciple, kill!

“Ha ha……”

“The deity is acting, you don’t need to agree to it. If I want to kill him today, no one can stop me!”

Xue Wuying’s cold laughter fell, and a bloody power emerged out of thin air around Jiang Chen, instantly fixing Jiang Chen’s body.

“Jiang Chen, be careful!”

The look of Xu Yun Tian changed drastically in amazement.

It’s just that Xue Wuying’s strength is too terrifying, even with the strength of his Shenhai Third Stage, Jiang Chen has been controlled by Xue Wuying before he can react.

Looking at the bloody power that appeared out of nowhere.

Jiang Chen’s expression was cold, and a Second Stage fire that seemed to be about to burn the space suddenly exploded from his body.


I saw the blood-colored power around him, and was instantly burned clean by Jiang Chen’s true meaning of fire!

“Huh? Second Stage Fire Road true meaning.”

“Little guy, you really are a terrifying peerless evildoer.”

“In that case, the deity will keep you even more terrible.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen used the Second Stage Fire Dao’s true meaning to get rid of the shackles, the killing intent in the bloodless eyes became more and more intense.

The true meaning of Huo Dao, this is the nemesis of their Blood Demon practitioners!

With this enchanting talent, as long as he is given enough time, it is not difficult to break through the Divine Sea Realm and understand the true meaning of the Third Stage Fire Dao.

At that time, this child will definitely become the nightmare existence of their Blood Demon hall powerhouse!

on the square.

Everyone saw that Jiang Chen was able to break free from the control of Xue Wuying, they all opened their mouths in shock.

Xue Wuying, this is a peerless powerhouse who defeated the Sect Leader of the Sword Sect.

Jiang Chen, a brat boy who had not even made a breakthrough in the Pill Condensation Realm, actually abruptly blocked the blow of the bloodless shadow!

This… This is too shocking.

“Xue Wuying, you never want to hurt my Taixuzong disciple!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen actually blocked the bloodless blow, Xu Yun Tian was overjoyed, and immediately appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

“Blood Wuying, do you really think that our three sects of the Northern Wilderness are too bullied? Back then, the three sects allowed the Blood Demon Hall to be removed from the Northern Wilderness, and it is still possible today!”

Mingyue Xin’s white clothes fluttered and fell beside Xu Yun Tian like a fairy descending to the earth.

Jiang Chen has a close relationship with her disciple Meng Qingxue, and it is the key to whether Meng Qingxue’s Taiyin Desperate Body can become stronger, and how can Mingyuexin sit idly by.

“Hehe… Just because you two want to stop me?”

“Since you are so overpowered, let’s be buried with that kid.”

Xue Wuying smiled, and a monster blood-colored Lotus flower appeared out of thin air on the center of his eyebrows, and his fingers pointed at Xu Yun Tian and Mingyue Xin.

Following the instruction of Xue Wuying, the monster blood-colored Lotus flower instantly zoomed in mid-air, and then swept out towards the Jiang Chen trio below.

Feeling the terrifying blow of Xue Wuying, the complexions of Xu Yun Tian and Ming Yuexin both changed slightly.

Just as the two were preparing to fight back with all their strength, the space in front of them became distorted in vain.

The next moment…

A blue figure appeared strangely, making Yun Tian and Mingyue heart startled.

Before the two came back to their senses.

The cyan figure raised his head and glanced at the blood-colored Lotus flower that rushed over, and lightly waved his palm at the blood-colored Lotus flower.


The blood-colored Lotus flower suddenly shattered.

With the collapse of the blood-colored lotus flower, the domineering voice of the cyan figure resounded between the world in an instant.

“Who dares to hurt my disciple of Xiao Duli, kill!”

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