Chapter 570 Don’t get an inch in front of me! !

No words for a night.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Chen and the three daughters of Yue Mu left Black Dragon City and headed directly to Longxi Mountain.

Longxi Mountain is very close to the Black Dragon City, almost less than a hundred miles away.

Not long.

Jiang Chen came under a steep mountain that was winding and rugged, like a dragon circling.

Longxi Mountain, a legendary place in the Northern Wild Continent.

Legend has it that thousands of years ago, this was the habitat of a dragon.

After hundreds of meters of painstaking cultivation, the dragon was finally transformed into a dragon through Transcends Tribulation.

This is also the only place where traces of divine beasts have appeared in the Northern Desolate Continent for thousands of years.

This place, Longxi Mountain, is also famous for it.

The Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness chose the place of Longqi Mountain to hold their three martial arts. They also hope that the genius disciples under their sect can break the cocoon and transform the dragon here and become the dragon among the famous people of the Northern Wilderness!

Because every Sanzong Huiwu is held in Longxi Mountain, all three have established Sect station in Longxi Mountain.

Enter Longxi Mountain,

Jiang Chen did not return to Taixuzong’s resident for the first time, but went to Tianyuezong’s resident with Yue Muling’s three daughters.

Since Meng Qingxue was forcibly taken away from the Meng family by a strong Tianyuezong, Jiang Chen hadn’t seen his cheap maid for a year.

Now it happened that the third daughter of Yue Mu Ling went to Tianyue Sect to get people back.

More than ten minutes later.

Jiang Chen and the others appeared at the gate of the Tianyuezong resident.

“Sister Yue, you… why have you come to Longxi Mountain?”

Station door.

The two Tianyuezong disciples who guarded the gate were obviously very familiar with Yue Muling.

They looked at Yue Muling who appeared in front of them, and there was a look of consternation in their eyes.

Yue Mu Ling smiled sweetly and said: “Two seniors, the Three Sects Huiwu is a five-year event of the Northern Wilderness Three Sects. I want to come to see it, so I will come with Sister Liu and the others.”

“Since it’s here, go in.”

The two Tianyuezong disciples gave a wry smile.

Fortunately, this little girl safely arrived at Longqi Mountain, otherwise the Mingyue Elder of their Tianyue Sect might have to go crazy again.

“Thank you brother.”

Yue Muling thanked the two Tianyuezong disciples, and brought Jiang Chen into the Tianyuezong resident.

“You stop!”

At this moment, the two Tianyuezong disciples also discovered Jiang Chen behind Yue Muling.

Their vigilant gaze fell on Jiang Chen instantly: “Your Excellency doesn’t seem to be my Tianyuezong disciple.”

“Two seniors, he is Senior Brother Jiang Chenjiang of Taixu Sect, and a friend of Senior Sister Qingxue.”

Yue Muling said quickly: “Senior Brother Jiang came to see Senior Sister Qingxue specially, and I hope the two seniors can make it easier.”


The two Tianyue Sect disciples said solemnly: “In the Tianyue Sect resident, non-Tianyue Sect disciples are not allowed to enter without permission, no one can be an exception!”

“Muling, go in and tell your senior sister for me, just say I’m waiting for her here.”

Jiang Chen smiled and said to Yue Muling, then turned and stepped aside.

He came here only to find Meng Qingxue, there was no need to break the rules of the Tianyue Sect and cause unnecessary trouble.

“Boy, do you think we are as innocent as Junior Sister Yue, if we want to deceive, we deceive?”

“Senior Sister Meng is cold and frosty, never coloring any man, how can there be friends like you?”

“I think you 80% use this as an excuse to plot against my Tianyue Sect!”

The two Tianyue Sect disciples smiled coldly, and immediately shouted to Jiang Chen with an unkind expression: “I don’t care who you are, get out of the Tianyue Sect’s residence immediately!”

Hearing the harsh shouts of the two Tianyuezong disciples, Jiang Chen’s eyes instantly turned cold.

“I have already given you Face, don’t get into an inch in front of me!”

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