Chapter 569 Ding! You comprehend the Heavenly Grade Sword Skill, Slashing the Sky with One Sword!

“Boy, you are so kind, you even dare to pit my spar!”

Jian Chen’s expression was extremely gloomy, and the gaze towards Jiang Chen almost burst into flames.

As the first genius of the Divine Sword Sect, what a superior existence is Jian Chen’s status.

Among his peers, he has always been the only one to bully others.

For the first time in so many years, he was so miserable by a boy with a similar age.

If it weren’t for worrying that this is the site of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, he would have rushed to kill Jiang Chen with a sword!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Everyone is going to bid in the auction house. It’s not a pitfall.”

“It’s a good one!”

Jian Chen’s eyes were cold: “If the mountains don’t turn, you’d better pray that you don’t meet me again. Otherwise…this son will definitely return the insult you today ten times!”

“Don’t worry, you will meet me in the three martial arts in two days.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly: “But… if you want me to pay back ten times, it depends on your ability.”

“Unexpectedly, you are also a disciple of the Three Sects.”

Jian Chen’s eyes shrank slightly, and immediately coldly said: “Very well, I will be waiting for you in the Three Sects Huiwu!”

After Jian Chen finished speaking, he took Luo Feng directly to the Divine Sword Sect disciples, and left without looking back.

“Junior Brother Jiang Chen, I haven’t seen you for a long time, Junior Brother, you still have the same style.”

“At today’s auction, Jiang Chen frustrated the spirit of the first genius of the Divine Sword Sect, which really opened Ling’s eyes.”

at this time.

The disciple of Taixuzong’s first true biography looked at Jiang Chen with a smile, and greeted Jiang Chen in the air.

When everyone saw Ling Zong greet Jiang Chen, there was an uproar in an instant.


“This kid turned out to be a disciple of Taixuzong!”

“There seems to be no one named Jiang Chen among the five true followers of Taixu Sect, right? When did this guy come out?”


Jiang Chen entered Taixu Sect for a short time. Although he defeated Ao Tiankui, the five true disciple, in the battle for the sky list, the matter did not spread.

And because Jiang Chen became Xiao Duli’s disciple, Taixu Sect did not let Jiang Chen replace Ao Tiankui’s true biography disciple.


Except for Tai Xuzong disciples, few people outside knew that Tai Xuzong also had a genius like Jiang Chen.

Under the shocked eyes of everyone.

Jiang Chen exchanged a few words with Ling Zong, and then went to the backstage to settle the spar and receive the Heavenly Grade Sword Skill Zhantian Sword.

After everything was processed, Jiang Chen left the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce with Yue Muling and the others.

Originally, Jiang Chen planned to leave Black Dragon City directly to Longxi Mountain, but the three daughters of Yue Mu Ling were worried that they would meet Jian Chen and others of the Divine Sword Sect, and they would have to wait until the next day to leave for anything.

In desperation, Jiang Chen had to stay with the three daughters in Black Dragon City for another night.

Back to the inn.

Jiang Chen, who had nothing to do, directly took out the broken Heaven-Rank Sword Skill that Jiang Pai had bought.

Unfolding the scroll, Jiang Chen’s eyes swept slightly, and the melodious prompt sound also instantly sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! Watching the broken Heavenly Grade Sword Skill, Slashing the Heavens Sword, triggers a hundredfold comprehension.”

“Ding! You comprehend the Heavenly Grade Sword Skill, Slashing the Heavens One Sword!”

Listening to the familiar prompt sound of the system, and feeling the Heavenly Grade Sword Skill Slashing Heaven Sword that came out of nowhere in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but set off a slight arc.

Following the Taixu combat body, he finally mastered a new martial art of heavenly rank.

One person masters two kinds of martial arts of heavenly rank!

Even in the entire Northern Wilderness Continent, it would be difficult to find a second such person!

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