Chapter 564: It’s been pitted time and time again!

Seeing that Leng Yao only added five thousand this time.

Jiang Chen didn’t need to think to know that this was the limit that Leng Yao could accept.

He did not continue to bid, and his gaze towards Leng Yao also showed a joking smile.

“Leng Yao, since you need the blood mist Yin & Yang flowers so much, please tell me earlier.”

“If you knew what you needed, since we are all three disciples of the Northern Wilderness, I won’t take it to auction.”

“Otherwise we can trade privately and we will definitely give you a fair and cheap price.”


When Jiang Chen said this, the auction house was in an uproar!


“This bloody mist Yin & Yang flower turned out to be sent by the kid on the second floor. Didn’t he make it clear that he deliberately raised the price.”

“The guy who auctioned the blood mist Yin & Yang flowers was miserable.”


Everyone was stunned for a while, and the eyes that looked at Leng Yao showed an expression of incomparable sympathy.


This blood mist Yin & Yang flower was actually sent by Jiang Chen!

Leng Yao was almost out of anger and spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

Just now he deliberately bid the Scarlet Blood Demon Fruit, he accidentally fell into Jiang Chen’s deception, and spent more than 200,000 crystal stones to buy a useless thing.

Now he has the heart to fight for the Yin & Yang Flower of Blood Mist, but Jiang Chen only paid the price of 360,000 yuan to take it.

It’s just that he didn’t have time to be happy, but Jiang Chen’s words hit his heart with a heavy punch.

“Asshole, I’m yin too!”

Leng Yao cursed secretly in his heart, and the gaze that looked at Jiang Chen was about to burst into flames!

“Senior Brother Jiang, you’re so amazing, you actually cheated Leng Yao once again.”

Seeing that Leng Yao was pitted by Jiang Chen twice in a row, he almost vomited blood for three liters out of anger, and Yue Mu Lingqiao’s face also showed a look of incomparable admiration.

“Haha…play with me, he is still a little tender.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and continued to watch the auction.

In the next auction, Jiang Chen and Leng Yao never made each other’s moves, and the order of the auction became much more normal.

Unconsciously, the auction came to an end soon.

“Everyone, the next auction will be the Ice Soul Marrow Stone, one of the three finale items of this auction.”

“The Ice Soul Practitioner is one of the rare stones in the world. Its greatest effect is to help breakthrough bottleneck, which can greatly increase the probability of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage Practitioner breakthrough!”

“The starting price of Ice Soul Soul Stone is 1 million lower-grade spar, and the price increase shall not be less than 50,000 yuan each time!”

As soon as the Ice Soul Marrow Stone came out, the atmosphere of the auction hall instantly soared to a peak.

In the high-level VIP seats, countless Kaiyuan Ninth Stage Practitioners are all staring fiercely at the ice soul stone on the auction stage.

“One hundred and fifty thousand!”

“One hundred and one hundred thousand!”


Seeing everyone frantically competing for the Ice Soul Soul Stone, Jiang Chen did not bid this time.

He has a system in his body, and there is no bottleneck at Breakthrough Realm.

In the eyes of others, this ice soul stone is the ultimate treasure of the breakthrough condensing pill realm, but to him it is worthless.

After a fierce competition, the Ice Soul Soul Stone was finally photographed by a young man at the peak of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage for 4 million.

The auction of the Ice Soul Marrow Stone is over.

Under Shang An’s orders, a maid quickly walked out of the backstage with a mysterious and ancient scroll on a tray.

Looking at the scroll in the hand of the maid, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but lift his spirits.

Heaven-grade martial arts slashing the sky with a sword, here comes!

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