Chapter 563 Picking up a rock and hitting his own foot!

Jiang Chen followed the voice and looked.

When he spotted the bidder, he couldn’t help but frown.

“Brother Jiang, the Leng Yao probably saw that you wanted to take the Scarlet Blood Demon Fruit, so he deliberately raised the price and didn’t want you to take it smoothly.”

Yue Muling said angrily.

“Ha ha……”

“Since he wants to play, then I will accompany him to have a good time.”

Jiang Chen sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth, and continued to quote: “130,000!”


“Dare to ruin my good deeds, no matter what you shoot today, I will make you pay double or even several times the price!”

The Leng Yao sneered in his heart and began to increase the price.

In a short while, the quotation of the Scarlet Blood Demon Fruit had exceeded 200,000.

After Leng Yao hesitated to quote a price of 250,000 yuan, Jiang Chen finally showed a ghostly smile.

Standing at the door of the private room, he grinned at the Leng Yao below: “Since this friend needs Scarlet Blood Demon Fruit so much, then I will reluctantly give it up and let it go to you.”


Wasn’t this kid going to win the Scarlet Blood Demon Fruit, why did he suddenly stop bidding?

Leng Yao’s face suddenly became ugly.

He is not a Practitioner who cultivates blood, and he does not have the power of special blood.

This Scarlet Blood Demon Fruit was of no use to him at all.

The reason why he frantically increased the price was just because he wanted to disgust Jiang Chen.

Now that Jiang Chen has given up, isn’t he going to spend 250,000 spars on such a useless thing?


Was overcast by this kid!

Leng Yao cursed secretly in his heart, and now he was shooting himself in the foot.

After an episode, the auction will continue.

After a few more rounds, Jiang Chen’s materials were auctioned at the auction.

“The next auction is a Yin & Yang flower of the sixth rank high-grade medicinal material Blood Mist. This flower is very versatile and is an indispensable main medicine for refining many sixth rank Medicine Pill…”

“One hundred thousand lower-grade primordial stones.”

Just after the introduction in Shang’an, Leng Yao directly quoted a sky-high price of 100,000 in one go.

The blood mist Yin & Yang flower, which plays a vital role in the secret technique of his cultivation.

With this blood mist Yin & Yang flower, he can undoubtedly make his breakthrough in the condensing state much smoother.


He has to photograph this bloody mist Yin & Yang flower anyway.

Leng Yao bid a high price of one hundred thousand, and instantly caused many people who were interested in Yin & Yang to give up.

“One hundred and five thousand!”

Jiang Chen’s unsalty or weak voice sounded instantly.

Leng Yao’s expression was cold: “Jiang Chen, you deliberately raise the price, aren’t you afraid that I will stop suddenly?”

“I just happen to be interested in this blood mist Yin & Yang flower.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “If you stop, I thank you that it’s too late.”

“One hundred and fifty thousand!”

Leng Yao let out a cold snort and continued to increase the price.

He intends to use a crazy price increase to force Jiang Chen to give up!

“Fifteen thousand five thousand!”

Jiang Chen didn’t panic and added another five thousand.

The two of you came and went like this, and quickly increased the price of the blood mist Yin & Yang flower to 355,000.

“A blood mist Yin & Yang flower, 350,000 lower-grade spar, these two guys are afraid that there are too many spars to spend.”

Many people can’t help but take a breath after seeing the rivalry between the two.

Leng Yao clenched his fists, trembling all over: “Three hundred and sixty thousand!”

Although he has a lot of spar on his body, it was all Sect prepared for him to buy the final finale.

If Jiang Chen continues to increase the price, he can only give up the blood mist Yin & Yang spent.

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