Chapter 525 Martial Dao’s true meaning is greatly advanced!

“Wh…wow! Who is this breakthrough? What a terrifying Sword intent!”

“This Sword intent… seems to be emitted from Jiang Chen’s Tianlong Stage.”

“The Sword intent Second Stage is complete, and his Sword intent broke through to the Realm of the Second Stage!”


Everyone stared blankly at the Tianlongtai where Jiang Chen was, and there was an unprecedented shock in their eyes!

They never thought of it anyway.

Jiang Chen is not only talented and enchanting on the body cultivator to the extreme, but also his comprehension of Martial Dao’s true meaning is so terrifying!

Second Stage completes Realm’s Martial Dao’s true meaning!

Even if the entire Taixu Sect can comprehend Martial Dao’s true meaning to this point, I am afraid it can be counted with one hand.


Just when everyone was shocked by Jiang Chen’s Second Stage’s complete Sword intent.

Another strange message suddenly disappeared into Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You receive Quan Yi Insight experience, gain experience 10000*100!”

“Ding! Your boxing spirit breakthrough Second Stage!”


As the prompt sound in his mind fell, Jiang Chen’s momentum suddenly changed, and the Second Stage fist burst out!

“My God! Jiang Chen’s fist has broken through the Second Stage again!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen’s Second Stage was complete, Realm’s Sword intent had just dissipated, and the Second Stage’s fist came out again, everyone was shocked and their mouths opened wide.

It’s not that they haven’t seen a genius who understands the two true meanings of Martial Dao alone.

But Xiang Jiang Chen’s two Martial Dao real meanings have broken through the Second Stage Realm. This is definitely the first one they have ever seen.


Before everyone recovered from Jiang Chen’s Second Stage fist, Jiang Chen’s momentum suddenly changed.

The next moment.

The true meaning of the Second Stage Realm’s fire way radiated from Jiang Chen’s body.

This… how is this possible?

Everyone gazed at the scene in front of them with dull eyes, and the whole person was completely petrified, like a ghost.


This kid has actually realized the true meaning of Martial Dao of the three Second Stage Realm!


This tamar is too exaggerated!


What shocked them is far from over.

Jiang Chen’s Second Stage Fire Dao true meaning did not last long before it changed again, and the Second Stage Air Dao true meaning radiated from him.

Another real meaning of Martial Dao from Second Stage Realm!

this moment.

There was a fierce twitch in everyone’s heart, and even their expressions were shocked and a little numb.


Jiang Chen ignored the shocked and numb expressions of everyone.

I saw that the Martial Dao true intent on him continued to change, and the Thunder Dao true intent of Second Stage Xiaocheng was permeating him.

“The baptism of the Taixuzong Tianban disciple is indeed a rare opportunity!”

Feeling the huge benefits he had gained under the mysterious power of Tianlongtai, Jiang Chen’s eyes also showed an expression of joy.

In less than half an hour.

The five kinds of Martial Dao’s true meanings he comprehended had all achieved varying degrees of Ascension.

This time, Tianlongtai’s baptism directly brought his Martial Dao true meaning to a complete advancement.

“I…I am not dreaming of this tamar?”

on the square.

Everyone saw that Jiang Chen burst out five kinds of Second Stage Realm’s Martial Dao true meaning, almost all of them couldn’t believe his own eyes.

It is enough for one person to comprehend the five real meanings of Martial Dao, and all the five real meanings of Martial Dao have broken through the Second Stage Realm!

In this world… how could there be such a terrible evildoer!

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