Chapter 524 Sword intent Second Stage is complete!

Tianlong Valley!

This is a forbidden area that Taixuzong only opened once in five years.

Every time the Tianlong Valley opens, these twenty Tianlong Platforms prepared for the disciples of the Tianban will give birth to a mysterious power after five years of precipitation.

This kind of power can greatly Ascension the strength of the top disciple in a short period of time.

And the higher the Tianlongtai, the stronger the power it contains.

Even when you are lucky, you can get the inheritance of a certain ancestor of Taixu Sect!

It is precisely because of this.

None of the Tianban disciples who occupy the Tianlong Terrace naturally hope to send an impact to a higher position.

Under the auspices of Elder Pang Shou.

The second round of the Tianban competition was carried out very quickly. Many of the lower-ranked Tianban disciples have issued challenges one after another, and the battle situation seemed extremely fierce.

It’s just that this fierce battle is only limited to the ten or so lower Tianlong Terraces.

As for the position of Jiang Chen and their five true disciples, no one cares at all.

Even the three sons of Inner Sect were not challenged.

Only one of the top ten Inner Sect disciples tried to challenge Leng Tianhan, but was solved by Leng Tianhan, and no one dared to take advantage of the next nine positions.

An hour later.

The second argument for the battle for the rankings has finally come to an end.

“The battle for the top ranking is over.”

“Now I will open Tianlongtai, and all of you will be baptized with the power of Tianlongtai.”

“What kind of opportunities you can get under the baptism of Tianlongtai’s power depends on your good fortune.”

Pang Shou’s eyes swept over Jiang Chen’s twenty people one by one, and the faint voice resounded in mid-air instantly.


He saw his palms transform into a weird gesture in mid-air, and immediately slapped a palm toward a spot in the center of the square.


As Pang Shou’s palm fell, the twenty Tianlong Stations all trembled violently at this moment.

The next moment…

The dragon patterns around the twenty Tianlong Platforms all emit different degrees of light.

These mysterious rays of light, from bottom to top, quickly enveloped the twenty Tianban disciples on the Tianlong Platform.

“Is this the baptism of Tianlongtai? Sooner or later, I will become a disciple of Tianban!”

on the square.

Countless people looked at the Tianbang disciples who were being baptized by Tianlongtai, with envy, jealousy and hatred in their eyes.

The baptism of Tianlongtai, this is an opportunity that every Taixuzong disciple dreams of!

Every disciple of the Tianban who accepts the baptism of Tianlongtai will rise in strength.

Some people even got the inheritance of Taixuzong’s ancestors by chance, and since then they have grown into a peerless powerhouse who is famous in the Northern Wilderness!

How can such an opportunity not make them envy and jealous?

“Look at it, Ninth’s fifth-ranked Zhang Yang breakthrough Kaiyuan Ninth Stage late stage!”

“And Dongfang Hao, one of the three sons of Inner Sect, his true meaning of fire and Realm of breakthrough Second Stage!”

“Wa-chao! The vitality of the world within a hundred meters of radius has been aroused. Is this true disciple who wants to break through the condensing pill realm?”


As the mysterious power of Tianlongtai appeared, the successive visions stunned everyone in an instant!

at the same time.

On the fifth to last Tianlong stage.

Jiang Chen shrouded in the mysterious light of Tianlong Platform, and a strange message appeared in his mind ghostly.

The next moment…

A sweet reminder sounded in his mind.

“Ding! You receive the Sword intent practice experience taught by the strong swordsman, and gain experience 30000*100!”

“Ding! Your Sword intent breakthrough Second Stage completes Realm!”

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