Chapter 476 The evildoer is beyond words!

To beat you, five minutes is enough!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s domineering words, everyone around couldn’t help taking a breath!

“Wh…wow, this kid is too crazy.”

“Five minutes to solve the problem of Dantang’s assessment, I think his cowhide is going to go to the sky.”

“Shen Linfeng has already been promoted to the fifth rank alchemist. His pill refining technique is one of the best among the young alchemists of Taixu Sect. This kid dares to be arrogant in front of Shen Linfeng, it’s just looking for death!”


Jiang Chen’s extremely arrogant words not only left the surrounding audience speechless for a while, even Qin Zu, the deputy hall master of the Dantang, was terribly shocked.

Qin Zu was very clear about the topic of Dantang Hall Master Xiao Duli.

Each of these four residual squares is extremely difficult to Insight.

Especially for the last two residual squares, their ranks have reached the sixth rank and seventh rank.

Such a remnant, even his seventh-rank pill refining Great Master Insight is not an easy task.

The little guys in front of them can insight into the first two remnant squares within two hours, which is already very remarkable.

Five minutes insight into the pill recipe, this…this is too outrageous.

“Ha ha……”

“Jiang Chen, you are really brazen!”

“I want to see how you can beat me in five minutes!”

When Shen Linfeng heard that Jiang Chen would beat him in five minutes, he couldn’t help laughing in disdain.

He has insight into these remnants for a full hour, and he has almost released the insight of the first fourth rank remnants.

This also means.

If Jiang Chen wants to win him, he must at least find two remnants.

Five minutes to Insight, a fourth-rank remnant square and a fifth-rank remnant square, this is simply impossible!

“Then you just keep your eyes open!”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and immediately began to quickly fill in the pill recipe.

His movements are smooth and flowing, without any hesitation.

In less than five minutes, all the four remnants in front of him were filled out by him.

“I’m not dazzling, that kid seems to have answered all the four questions given by Dan Tang.”

“This…this is too scary.”


Seeing that Jiang Chen had completed the four remnants of the Dantang assessment in one breath, everyone was stunned.

“False, it must be false.”

Shen Linfeng looked at the scene in front of him with a dull expression, and he also made an unbelievable whisper in his mouth.

Jiang Chen ignored the shocked eyes of everyone.

With a move of his palm, he directly patted Qin Zu with the completed pill recipe.

“Hall Master Qin, I have already answered the fourth question, please go through it.”

Qin Zu looked at the pill recipe flying towards him, and finally recovered from the shock.

He grabbed the pill recipe completed by Jiang Chen and opened it quickly.

When he saw what Jiang Chen had completed, a shock that could not be concealed instantly emerged from his eyes.

He never thought of it anyway.

Jiang Chen actually completed all the four remaining squares!

The most frightening thing is that the four remnants are not different from the complete pill recipe!


This is really evil!

A boy who is less than twenty years old has completed four remnant squares in five minutes.

And one of them has a remnant square that has reached Rank 7!

Such a heaven-defying method is beyond words to describe the enchanting way!

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