Chapter 475 Five minutes is enough to beat you!


This kid turned down!

Hearing that Jiang Chen rejected Qin Zu’s invitation, everyone was so shocked that their eyes almost fell out.

Qin Zu!

This is the Deputy Hall Master of the Dantang and the Great Master, the prestigious Seven-Rank pill refining teacher, what a lofty existence.

To be favored by Qin Zu, this is an extremely honored existence for any pill refining master.

It was the first time they saw someone who didn’t give Qin Zu Face like this.

Looking at Jiang Chen, who was about to leave.

A cold light flashed in Shen Linfeng’s eyes.

Before Qin Zu could speak, his cold stern shout sounded directly in Jiang Chen’s ear.

“Jiang Chen, don’t be too mad!”

“Pall Master Qin invites you to participate in the assessment of Dantang. It is worthy of you. Don’t toast or eat fine wine!”

Jiang Chen halted in his footsteps.

He looked back at Shen Linfeng and said faintly: “Even if I reject Hall Master Qin, I have nothing to do with you. Don’t bite mice here, just be nosy!”

“Jiang Chen, don’t you claim that pill refining is very powerful? If you have a kind, you will compete with me in the Dantang assessment!”

“If anyone loses, give him 200,000 honor points!”

Shen Linfeng stared at Jiang Chen sternly: “How about it, do you dare to bet?”

Originally Shen Linfeng thought.

With his Sect mission to control Jiang Chen jointly with his personal disciple Guang Chuan, Jiang Chen must have gone away from Taixu Sect this time.


He didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen actually appeared in front of him alive.

Although Shen Linfeng didn’t know what happened in this, there is no doubt that his plan to use the Sect mission to target Jiang Chen completely failed!

Since taking advantage of others and failing to deal with Jiang Chen, he personally took action to let this kid know what the price of fighting against him would be!

“Ha ha……”

“Originally, I was not interested in the assessment, but you gave me a reason that I couldn’t refuse.”

“Since you have already placed 200,000 honor points in front of me, I will accept it reluctantly.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

He appeared opposite Shen Linfeng in a flash, and then said to Qin Zu: “Palace Master Qin, please give me a question for the assessment.”


Qin Zu smiled slightly, and immediately took out a spare question from Na Jie, and sent it to Jiang Chen with a flick of his finger.

Jiang Chen glanced over the subject, and a series of pleasant system prompts sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! Watching the remnant prescription of the Nine Apertures Divine Power Pill will trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You successfully comprehended the fourth rank pill recipe.”


“Ding! Watching the Zijin Barrier Breaking Pill Remnant Recipe will trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You successfully comprehend the pill recipe of Seventh-Rank Zijin Pill Breaking Pill!”

no doubt.

Dantang’s assessment question this time was the comprehension of the remnant prescriptions, and he also gave four remnant prescriptions at once.

The four residual squares are from the fourth rank to the seventh rank.

Jiang Chen glanced at it, and the system had completely understood the four remnants.

“Jiang Chen, I already have one hour insight into these topics. To be fair, I will wait for you for one hour from now on, and I will continue insight for one hour!”

at this time.

Shen Linfeng’s coldly voice also rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at Shen Linfeng, his proud voice slowly resounding in the air.

“Don’t be so troublesome, I want to beat you, five minutes will be enough!”

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