Chapter 472 Let you see the real Taixu war shadow!

“Whhhhhhhh-trough! This kid also displayed a imaginary war shadow!”

“Ninety-nine war shadows, how is this possible?”

“Hi…It is said that only when the Taixu war shadow reaches the Consummation Realm, can it condense the ninety-nine war shadows.”


Seeing that Jiang Chen also displayed the Taixu war shadow, the number of war shadows reached the horrible ninety-nine ways, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

Ninety-nine war shadows, this is already the strongest state of Taixu War Shadow.

To know.

In today’s Taixu Sect, only the body cultivator genius among the five true disciples has cultivated Taixu Zhanying to complete Realm!

They never thought of it anyway.

Jiang Chen actually cultivated Taixu Zhanying to such a point.


This is really shocking!

“This son… is really extraordinary.”

The big Elder saw this scene before him, and there was also a shock that could not be concealed in his old eyes.

This kid is just a newcomer who has just entered Taixu Sect.

In less than two months, he actually cultivated Taixu Zhanying to a complete Realm!

Elder has been in charge of Taixu Sect for so many years, and has been used to seeing all kinds of geniuses, but it is also the first time that he has seen someone cultivate Taixu Zhanying at such a terrifying speed.

It seems that this is too imaginary war shadow, is born to be tailor-made for this!

Big Elder even has a feeling.

Jiang Chen may be the first person in Taixu Sect to successfully practice the body cultivator of Taixu martial arts in the last thirty years!

“Senior Brother Plaza, see what a real Taixu war shadow is!”

When everyone was overwhelmed by the Taixu Zhanying shown by Jiang Chen.

Ninety-nine voices instantly exploded in the Great Hall.

Immediately afterwards.

Ninety-nine Jiang Chen brought a hurricane that swept the Great Hall, and rushed toward Guangchuan in all directions.

In an instant…

Hundreds of shadows collided in the middle of the Great Hall.

boom! boom! boom!

The violent collision sound reverberated continuously in the Great Hall.

Under Jiang Chen’s crazy attack of ninety-nine Taixu war shadows, Guangchuan’s more than 30 Taixu war shadows had two fists and four hands.

Just a moment’s time.

More than 30 Taixu war shadows in Guangchuan have been destroyed!


Guangchuan’s throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person flew upside down in embarrassment a few feet away.

“Damn! Guangchuan was repelled by Jiang Chen again!”

“This kid, what a monster.”

“Tsk tusk… Guangchuan is embarrassed and thrown to grandma’s house this time!”


Everyone gazed at the scene in front of them with dull eyes, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

The dignified disciple Guang Chuan was actually forced to be so embarrassed by Jiang Chen, the less famous disciple Inner Sect.

This…this is too dreamy.

Hearing the discussion around Great Hall, Guangchuan only felt his face was hot.

Originally, he put down his harsh words confidently and wanted to solve Jiang Chen within ten moves.

As a result, he failed to take advantage of Jiang Chen’s ten moves in a row, but was accidentally injured by Jiang Chen Consummation Realm’s shadow war!

One of his disciples passed down to him, but he was injured by a new disciple who had just entered Sect in ten strokes.

If this spreads out, how will he gain a foothold in Taixu Zong in the future?

“good very good!”

“Jiang Chen, I underestimated you. I didn’t expect your strength to reach such a level.”

“But then, your good luck ends here!”

Guangchuan stared at Jiang Chen with stern eyes, and an ice-cold mood that seemed to freeze everyone’s blood, also instantly filled the Great Hall!

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