Chapter 471: It’s Just A Fool!


Seeing that Guang Chuan, who displayed the blood of Xuan Bing, was actually at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Jiang Chen.

There was a deathly silence in the Great Hall!

Everyone’s eyes on Jiang Chen revealed incredible horror.

No one can think of it.

A little boy named Inner Sect was able to collide head-on with Guangchuan to gain the upper hand.


This is really shocking!

I saw that my own disciple was actually suppressed by Jiang Chen, something he had never seen before.

A look of anger and shame flashed in Guang Chuan’s eyes.

“I didn’t expect you to have such a powerful and special bloodline, which surprised me a bit.”

“But even so, I can still defeat you within ten moves!”

Guang Chuan shouted angrily, Kaiyuan Eighth Stage’s power source ran to its limit, and the sharp ice blades in the palm of his palm instantly scratched the Shattering Void.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he swung his fist without evasiveness and confronted Guang Chuan!

Jiang Chen’s invincible refining technique is comparable to Kaiyuan Seventh Stage’s Practitioner, plus the powerful blessing of Chi Yan Guiyuan’s bloodline.

Even in the face of a plaza with full shots, there is still no disadvantage.

boom! boom! boom!

It’s just a blink of an eye.

The two once again confronted each other with five moves.

There is only one last move left to the ten tricks proposed by Guangchuan.

After nine moves against Guangchuan in a row, Jiang Chen’s expression still looked calm and calm.

He looked at the square on the opposite side, and a joking smile appeared on his face: “Brother Guangchuan, there is one last resort.”


“Don’t be proud, I was just playing with you just now.”

“To defeat you, one trick is actually enough!”

Guangchuan’s coldly voice fell, and his figure flickered, and more than 30 plausible figures condensed in the sight of everyone.

“This is… Sect’s strongest martial arts style, Taixu and Yingying!”

“With more than 30 war shadows, Brother Guangchuan’s Taixu war shadow may have reached Xiaocheng’s Realm.”

“As expected of Elder’s direct disciple, this is amazing!”


Everyone looked at the Taixu War Shadow that Guangchuan displayed, and they couldn’t help but exclaim.

Too virtual war shadow!

This is the weakened version of Taixuzong’s only heavenly martial art Taixu combat body, and it is almost the strongest Taixuzong’s martial arts!

It’s just that Taixu Zhanying’s requirements for the body are extremely harsh, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate.

Even in the entire Taixu Sect Inner Sect, those who can cultivate the Taixu Zhanying to produce more than 30 wars, I am afraid they can count them with one hand!

Now that Guangchuan has performed this trick, how can Jiang Chen resist it?

It seemed that Jiang Chen was destined to be unable to survive this last move.

“Jiang Chen, you are proud enough to be defeated under my shadow of the virtual war.”

Just when everyone was shocked by the Taixu Zhanying displayed by Guangchuan.


More than thirty figures of Guangchuan spoke almost at the same time, and the coldly voice exploded like thunder in the Great Hall.

“Ha ha……”

“What’s wrong with your last trick? You have to use a virtual war shadow.”

“To tell you the truth, you are too imaginary, you are nothing but an axe in front of me!”

Jiang Chen looked up at the 30-odd Daoist shadow in front of him, and a joking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, and his whole person disappeared instantly.

The next moment…

The countless figures of Jiang Chen also appeared in the eyes of everyone instantly!

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