Chapter 463 You Will Not Have That Opportunity!


“Originally, if you didn’t drive that kid away, the deity might really help you today.”

“It’s a pity… you have personally ruined the chance to survive.”

Blood Cloud Venerable looked at Huo Jin with pity.

If these few Taixuzong disciples can work together.

Perhaps his plan this time would really fall short and flee.

Blood Cloud Venerable smiled triumphantly and said: “The Heaven-Sweeping Blood Fiend Array can make any blood power ascension 50%. Now that you have chosen to enter my formation, you are destined to die!”

Huo Jin’s expression suddenly changed: “You…your formation has been broken by Jiang Chen?”

“Hey…the Heaven-Sweeping Blood Fiend Formation is the sixth rank formation, how could it be broken by a little boy in his own way?”

“Although I don’t know what that kid used to cut off my control of the Heaven-removing Blood Fiend, the Heaven-Reversing Blood Fiend formation still exists.”

The blood cloud Venerable proudly said: “As long as the formation is still there, you won’t be able to escape from my palm today!”

Huo Jin three people heard the words of Blood Cloud Venerable, and they panicked.

“Jiang Chen, you… how long will you hide. If you don’t help, when you return to Sect, I will definitely let you know what regret is!”

Huozhin used his original strength and shouted loudly at the sky above the courtyard.

And just as Huo Jin’s voice fell.

A faint sneer also instantly echoed in the midair of the courtyard.

“Back to Sect?”

“Sorry, I’m afraid you won’t have that chance!”

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