Chapter 462 Heaven’s sins can be forgiven, but you can’t live your own sins!

Facing Lin Tian’s angry curse.

Huo Jin looked cold and indifferent at all.

The world of Sect is The Weak are Prey to the Strong, and the strong is respected.

To blame, I can only blame this kid for not having long eyes and offending his direct disciple Guangchuan.

Guangchuan is not only talented, but also has Elder, the god sea realm of Taixu Sect, as his backer.

And Jiang Chen in front of him.

He is just an ant who has no background and has just become a disciple of Inner Sect.

In Huo Jin’s eyes, there was no right or wrong for a long time, and he didn’t know what ungratefulness was.

Always stand on the side of the strong, this is the law of survival in Sect.

Since Guangchuan wanted him to clean up this kid, no matter what happened, he wouldn’t let Jiang Chen return to Taixu Sect alive!

And Shen Yue and Fu Yong beside Huo Jin, they saw that Huo Jin hadn’t taken a shot, so naturally they wouldn’t be able to take a shot.

Without Huo Jian’s move, the two of them couldn’t stop the avatar of Blood Cloud Venerable.

And the purpose of their trip was to clean up Jiang Chen.

At this time, how could they go up stupidly to fight for Jiang Chen?

“Ha ha……”

Jiang Chen stared blankly at the situation in front of him, and a sneer sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth.

Had it not been for him, these three idiots would have been sucked into a corpse by the blood cloud Venerable control formation.

Since these three people are so ungrateful, don’t blame him for being rude!


Jiang Chen’s figure moved, and ninety-nine truly uncertain Jiang Chen flashed out of thin air.

I saw that every Jiang Chen’s fist was smashed against the oncoming blood shadow with a mighty force.

“This is… the ground-level martial arts is too virtual and the shadow of war!”

“He… he actually condensed dozens of war shadows, this… how is this possible?”

Seeing this scene before them, the eyes of the three Huo Jin could not help but shrank suddenly!

As a disciple of the Taixu Sect Inner Sect, they naturally saw at a glance that Jiang Chen was displaying the Taixu Sect’s martial arts Taixu war shadow.

It’s just that they have never seen before, someone can condense so many war shadows out!

Ninety-nine war shadows!

Doesn’t this mean that this kid’s Taixu Zhanying has been cultivated to a complete Realm!


When Huo Jin and others were terrified.

Jiang Chen’s thunderous blow directly shook him a few feet away.

A blow to repel the blood cloud Venerable’s divine refining clone.

Jiang Chen grabbed Lin Tianzong’s shoulder, and then disappeared without a trace in the courtyard with Lin Tianzong in a flash.

at the same time.

His indifferent voice also echoed over the courtyard.

“I gave you a chance to survive, but you have to die.”

“If this is the case, then I let you know what it means to do evil in the sky is forgivable, and you cannot live if you do it yourself!”

“Blood Cloud Venerable, I don’t bother to care about the life and death of these three people, you can figure it out by yourself.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen forcibly shakes his own divine refining clone, and then disappears into the courtyard calmly, the blood cloud Venerable can’t help but feel horrified.

That kid’s Cultivation Base seems to be the weakest among these Taixu Sect disciples, but the real strength is undoubtedly the most difficult existence.

Once the avatar is activated, it cannot exist for too long.

Blood Cloud Venerable doesn’t want to waste time like this.

Since those two boys have temporarily disappeared from the courtyard, he will first rely on the divine training clone to eliminate the three in front of him, and absorb their blood to increase his strength.

The strength of these three is not weak, one of them still has the power of special bloodline.

As long as they drain their blood, his strength can be restored to the pinnacle of the Kaiyuan realm.

By the time.

It is not too late for him to clean up the remaining two boys himself!

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