Chapter 446: Absolute Power Rolls Over!

Jiang Chen’s eyes were sharp.

With a flash of his figure, he appeared in front of Fu Tong ghostly, and the fist that contained the power of a thousand jun slammed down against the silver qi around Fu Tong.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice also resounded in the hall instantly.

“In front of absolute power, no matter how strong the defense Martial Skill is, it is of no use.”

“Next, you will know what absolute force rolling is called!”

With this faint voice fell.

Jiang Chen’s fist also immediately collided with the silver gas of Fu Tong’s body.


The crisp sound of impact instantly resounded through the hall.

The next moment.

I saw the silver qi trembling violently around Fu Tong, and the cracks visible to the naked eye spread like a spider web.

“You… you weren’t hurt by the thunder and gang quake, how is this possible!”

Seeing Own Tian Lei Gangzhen was beaten by Jiang Chen with a punch like this, Fu Tong’s whole body was like a ghost, and there was an incredible scream in his mouth.

His Tian Lei Gang Zhen had achieved great success in his cultivation, but he could bounce back more than 60% of the attacks.

But how could Jiang Chen not be hurt by the thunderstorm of the sky just now?

This… This is too unreasonable, right?

“I have said long ago that in the face of absolute power, any of your methods are futile.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, his right fist shook suddenly, and a more powerful force burst out instantly.

In this world, no matter how powerful Martial Skill is, there are limits.

After all, the Tian Lei Gang Zhen of Fu Tong is nothing more than a mysterious Martial Skill.

It can rebound more than 60% of the attacks, yes, but there is a limit.

Once the attack from Tianleigang Earthquake exceeds the limit, it is useless.

And Jiang Chen’s breakthrough third stage late stage of invincible physical training is powerful enough to match Kaiyuan Seventh Stage’s Practitioner.

With his power. It is naturally easy to blast through the Tianleigang earthquake of Futong.


With Jiang Chen’s power erupted.

I saw Fu Tong’s body, which had already reached its limit, suddenly shattered.

However, the strength on Jiang Chen’s fist was undiminished, and it hit Fu Tong’s chest heavily.


The blood spurted out from Fu Tong’s mouth, his figure resembling a broken kite fell over ten meters away, and the whole person fainted directly.


Seeing that Fu Tong who was beaten like a dead dog by Jiang Chen, everyone in the hall couldn’t help taking a breath.

“I… I’m not dazzled, Fu Tong actually lost!”

“A strong Cultivation Base, the strength of this kid’s body cultivator is probably already comparable to the five internal organs of Kaiyuan Seventh Stage!”

“This guy who just entered Inner Sect is really a pervert.”


While everyone was marveling at Jiang Chen’s terrifying strength, they were also grateful in their hearts.

Fortunately, Fu Tong just rushed in front of them to find Jiang Chen’s trouble.

Otherwise, if they just rushed to find Jiang Chen’s trouble, I’m afraid they wouldn’t even know how to die.

“I didn’t expect this guy’s strength to reach such a terrifying point.”

“It seems that in the original Outer Sect battle, even if I tried my best, I am afraid I would still lose.”

Lin Tianzong gave a wry smile in his heart.

this moment.

Lin Tianzong knew how big the gap between him and Jiang Chen was.

If he were to face Fu Tong’s Tian Lei Gang, he would be really helpless.

Solved Fu Tong lightly.

Under countless shocking gazes in the hall, Jiang Chen strode towards the central office.

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