Chapter 445 You want to be beaten, I will fulfill you!


Hearing Jiang Chen’s proud words, everyone in the hall couldn’t help but feel an uproar!

Their gazes towards Jiang Chen all revealed incredible shock.

According to Fu Tong, it is also the daddy ranked more than 100 in Inner Sect, and the strength has reached the peak of Kaiyuan Sixth Stage.

I really don’t know where this kid’s courage comes from, so he dared not put Fu Tong in his eyes.

“good very good!”

“Jiang Chen, I have to say, you successfully angered me.”

“Today I will let you know what it will cost to offend me Futong!”

Fu Tong laughed extremely angrily, and a fierce killing intent radiated from him in an instant.

“You are a lot of nonsense, since you don’t want to go, let me personally let you go!”

Jiang Chen snorted coldly.

He clenched his fist suddenly, and directly exploded directly at Fu Tong with a sharp fist.

“court death!”

Fu Tong’s complexion suddenly chilled, and a transparent giant palm of Yuanli suddenly condensed on his right palm, and he squeezed Jiang Chen fiercely.


A fist and a palm collided suddenly in mid-air, and a thunderous noise instantly reverberated in the hall.

The violent energy ripples swept the hall like ocean waves.


Fu Tong’s giant palm of Yuanli was impacted by Jiang Chen’s explosive force, but after a while, it shattered.

One punch shattered Fu Tong’s palm strength.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent.

He stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, and his figure shot out again at Fu Tong.

“This kid… how can he have such a domineering power?”

Fu Tong was frightened.

He dared not be the slightest negligence, a silver qi appeared from his body in an instant.


In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen’s fist fell on the silver qi on the surface of Fu Tong’s body.

In an instant…

A powerful counter-shock force passed along Jiang Chen’s fist.

“Hmm… the defense Martial Skill that can counter-shock the attack?”

Jiang Chen retreated two steps slightly, warding off the counter-shock force on his arm, and the look of Fu Tong couldn’t help showing a look of surprise.

“This is… the mysterious high-level Martial Skill Tian Lei Gang trembles, I didn’t expect Fu Tong to cultivate to a great success.”

“Tian Lei Gang quake, this is Taixu Sect’s famous defense Martial Skill. It is said that Dacheng’s Tian Lei Gang quake can bounce back at least 60% of the attacks!”

“Tsk tusk…Tian Lei Gangzhen is notoriously difficult, that kid is going to have a headache now.”


Everyone saw the thunder and thunder of Fu Tong’s great achievement, and they felt a little sympathy for Jiang Chen.

“Haha…Jiang Chen, my Tianleigang shock has been cultivated to the highest level, able to counter shock more than 60% of the attacks to you.”

“No matter how strong you are, if you take action against me, you will be the first to suffer.”

Fu Tong looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, and the proud laughter also rang in the hall.

“It’s just a high-level Martial Skill with a masterful mysterious grade. What do you have to worry about?”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: “In my eyes, your so-called thunder and tremor is not worth mentioning!”

“Hmph, don’t you want to speak up in front of me!”

Fu Tong smiled coldly.

He looked at Jiang Chen provocatively: “If you have a seed, come and hit me!”

“Since you want to be beaten by me so much, then there is no reason why I can’t fulfill you!”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth was slightly curved.


I saw his figure flashed and disappeared in vain.

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