Chapter 426: With one enemy and two, I, Jiang Chen, are so afraid!

“Lei Dao’s true meaning, finally breakthrough!”

Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but lift a slight smile.

Following the Second Stage Sword intent.

He finally has another kind of Martial Dao breakthrough Second Stage Realm.

After the breakthrough of Lei Dao’s true meaning.

Faced with the pressure of the Third Stage Thunder Dao’s true meaning in midair, Jiang Chen undoubtedly became more relaxed.


“How do I feel that Jiang Chen has become easier to resist coercion!”

“This… this is incredible.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s calm look, everyone in the arena was in a daze.

With the passage of time, the pressure of Lei Dao’s true meaning in mid-air has been continuously increasing.

In order to resist this terrible coercion.

Fu Yong and others have already exploded the power of blood.

Even so, they became more and more struggling to resist.

But this kid is good, but he has become more and more free to deal with.

This…what is the situation with this Tamar?

“Why… how could this be?”

Fu Yong, who had been paying attention to Jiang Chen’s situation, had a look of anger in his eyes.

Fu Yong thought.

He is now breaking through the Kaiyuan Second Stage, and his strength has soared, and he should be able to compete with Jiang Chen.


In reality, Jiang Chen slapped his face with a slap.

Now the gap between him and Jiang Chen is getting bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, he still has the biggest hole card in his hand.

Otherwise… this time he really will lose to Jiang Chen.

“Brother Teng, this kid is really a freak. It seems that if we want to defeat him, we can only use a secret method!”

Fu Yong took a deep breath and spoke to Fu Teng who was beside him.

Competing with Jiang Chen this time was a huge bet related to fifty thousand honor points.

Won, everything is easy to say.

If he loses, his life in Taixuzong will probably be difficult for him in the future.

Fu Teng nodded expressionlessly, and then quickly changed his hands into a mysterious gesture on his chest.

Seeing this, Fu Yong couldn’t help but quickly cooperated with Fu Teng to start the secret method.

Just blink of an eye.

I saw the bodies of the Fu family brothers, and a faint cyan streamer circulated around them.

And with the appearance of these cyan streamers.

The pressure of the two people dropped sharply, and it became a lot easier in an instant.

Liangyi green halo!

This is the mystery secret method Fu Yong got.

Once cast.

They can combine the power of the two to form a powerful guardian halo, and the ability to resist can instantly skyrocket several times!

“Huh… what’s the situation with Fu Yong and the others?”

“It seems that the two of them have performed a secret method, and the ability of the two to work together against coercion has become stronger!”

“Damn! Fu Yong is too not wanting face, isn’t this f*ck cheating?”


Everyone saw this scene, and the eyes looking at Fu Yong couldn’t help showing a look of contempt.

“Jiang Chen, we are just trying to see who can last longer in the initial ranking, but we didn’t say that it is not allowed to ask for help.”

“Now that we use the secret method, the ability to withstand pressure is stronger, I don’t know how many times.”

“This time in the competition, you are sure to lose!”

Fu Yong ignored the contemptuous glances around him.

He looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer, and there was an extremely proud look in his eyes.

“Is this the trump card you dare to gamble with me?”

“But… do you really think this will win me?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and the domineering voice instantly resounded throughout the arena.

“Although let the horse come here, even if one enemy is two, I’m not afraid of Jiang Chen!”

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