Chapter 425 Ding! Your Lei Dao true meaning breakthrough Second Stage!

“Tsk tusk… That kid should be Jiang Chen, the most recent herb picker.”

“Fu Yong’s move is clearly prepared, this Jiang Chen is afraid that he is crazy, he even dares to accept the bet!”

“Hey… the honor points that this guy has gotten by breaking the record are worthless. It really won’t happen if you don’t want to die.”


After a brief shock.

Some people who know Jiang Chen and Fu Yong could not help shaking their heads and sighing slightly.

They looked at Jiang Chen with a look of sympathy.

The True Dragon Kingdom Fu Clan is not weak in Taixu Sect.

Fu Yong can take out 50,000 honor points to bet, it must be supported by a certain Inner Sect core disciple from the Fu family.

And for this gambling game, Fu Yong would have been fully prepared long ago.

But Jiang Chen now bet 50,000 honor points with Fu Yong stupidly.

What’s the difference between such a stupid move and giving points to others?


Just when everyone was talking about Jiang Chen and their huge gambling.

The huge thunder light phantom standing proudly above the arena suddenly burst into a loud noise.

In an instant…

All the new disciples on the arena only felt a sudden thunder blast in their minds.

The coercion of terror swept away.

The bodies of most of the new disciples couldn’t help shaking violently.

Just less than a few breaths.

Some weaker new disciples could no longer withstand this terrifying pressure, and then they were sent out of the arena by Gongsunyang one after another.

Jiang Chen was expressionless.

With a move of his mind, he also used Thunder Dao’s true meaning to lightly resist the coercion in the air.

“It turns out that you have also realized the true meaning of Lei Dao. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant in front of me.”

“But… if the true meaning of this Thunder Dao is your trump card, I am afraid you will lose today!”

When Fu Yong saw this, he couldn’t help but smiled contemptuously.

Jiang Chen didn’t bother to pay attention to Fu Yong, but concentrated on using Thunder Dao’s true will to resist the pressure in midair.

Because Jiang Chen found out.

He used Thunder Dao true intentions to resist the pressure of the Third Stage Thunder Dao true meaning in mid-air, and he could actually obtain a large amount of experience bonus.

“I really hope this initial ranking assessment can last longer.”

“Maybe I can rely on the pressure of the Third Stage Thunder Realm to let own Thunder Realm breakthrough Second Stage Realm in one fell swoop!”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, his eyes also showed an extremely hot light.

Time passed bit by bit.

The pressure of the Third Stage Thunder’s true meaning in mid-air is getting stronger and stronger, and there are fewer and fewer people on the arena.

Less than ten minutes.

Even Lei Hao and the others had reached their limit and were sent off the arena by Gongsun Yang.

very quickly.

Only Jiang Chen and the Fu family brothers remained in the huge arena.


The number of people on the arena is gradually decreasing, but the coercion in mid-air is becoming more and more terrifying.

Even Fu Yong and the others, facing the terrifying pressure in mid-air, the cold sweat on their foreheads was sloppy.

Only Jiang Chen was still sitting there with no expression on his face, fully displaying the real meaning of Thunder Dao to fight against the pressure of midair.

at the same time.

A series of reminders sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind one after another.

“Ding! You cast Thunder Realm against the Third Stage Realm Thunder Realm and gain 3000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You cast Thunder Realm against the Third Stage Realm Thunder Realm and gain 3000*100 experience!”


“Ding! Your Lei Dao true meaning breakthrough Second Stage!”

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