Chapter 415 Seven-Rank Spirit Medicine, Ziyang Ling Xuan Shen!


With Jiang Chen’s words, everyone around couldn’t help but feel an uproar.


“A new disciple who has just entered the sect is delusional to challenge the tenth Jiao Nan of Outer Sect. I’m afraid this guy is crazy.”

“It’s really forgivable for sins committed by heaven, and you can’t live by committing sins by yourself!”

“You… what did you just say, do you have the ability to say it again?”

Jiao Nan looked at Jiang Chen with an incredible expression, he even doubted whether he had heard it wrong.

He is the top ten figure in Outer Sect.

And the entire ranking is still the ranking two or three months ago.

Not long ago.

Jiao Nan successfully broke through the Kaiyuan Sixth Stage, and now has the strength to hit the top five of Outer Sect.

The guy in front of him who had just entered Sect even wanted to challenge him.

I really don’t know who gave this kid the courage!

“I’ll let you wash your neck and get ready, waiting for three days I will challenge you.”

Jiang Chen looked at Jiao Nan blankly, and asked faintly: “Do you understand now?”

“good very good!”

“I am waiting for you to challenge me in three days, and then I will let you know what regret is!”

Jiao Nan smiled angrily.

He put a cruel word to Jiang Chen, and walked away with a group of younger brothers!

After Jiao Nan they left.

Jiang Chen went straight to Zongwutang.

After receiving the task of collecting medicine, Jiang Chen took the professional storage bag sent by Sect and entered the medicine mountain again.

With the previous experience in collecting herbs.

Jiang Chen is undoubtedly becoming more familiar with the road.

Just half a day.

Jiang Chen relied on his strong perception to harvest hundreds of medicinal plants.

Among them, there are also fifth-rank medicinal materials.

Even the sixth rank medicinal material, Jiang Chen harvested two plants.

“These medicinal materials should be able to exchange two or three thousand honor points.”

“But… this is far from enough.”

After counting the medicinal materials in the storage bag, Jiang Chen couldn’t help muttering to himself.

Although earning two to three thousand honor points a day, this is already an astronomical figure for the vast majority of Outer Sect disciples.

But in Jiang Chen’s eyes, this point of honor is far from enough for him.

Tai Xuzong cultivation resources are rich, but many of the honor points that need to be consumed are not a few.

Especially Jiang Chen is more interested in the Tian-rank martial arts Taixu combat body.

It is said that once the Insight is too virtual, it will cost 30,000 honor points!

Even Jiang Chen couldn’t afford such a high amount of honor points.

“Let’s look for it again, if only a few more sixth-rank medicinal materials can be harvested.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he continued to search for high-rank medicinal materials.


Jiang Chen searched the Medicine Mountain for a while.


A super-strong energy fluctuation appeared in the range of his perception.

Jiang Chen’s mind was shocked, and his eyes couldn’t help but looked towards the direction of energy fluctuations.

This energy fluctuation is more than many times larger than ordinary sixth-rank medicinal materials!


What shocked Jiang Chen the most was that he visibly rushed to the road, and this energy wave was constantly moving!

“Such a powerful energy fluctuation, and it can move autonomously. Could it be that a seventh-grade elixir that has been channeled is not working?”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered.

His figure also instantly turned into a violent wind, flashing away in the direction of energy fluctuations.

Not long.

Jiang Chen appeared on a steep mountain.

His gaze was also instantly locked on a boulder near the cliff on the mountain peak.

“This is… the seventh-grade elixir Ziyang Xuan Ling Ginseng!”

When he saw the situation on the boulder clearly, he almost screamed out without a word…

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