Chapter 414 Challenge Outer Sect Tenth!

Borrow ten thousand, return one hundred thousand!

Jiao Nan was stunned by Jiang Chen’s words first, and then his complexion became extremely difficult to look at.

He sullenly yelled at Jiang Chen: “Boy, you fucking fool me.”

“I don’t want to play with you.”

“You are not familiar with me. If you want to borrow honor points, I naturally have to charge a little interest.”

“If you don’t like it, then just leave me alone.”

Jiang Chen sneered blankly.

Since Jiao Nan and Chen Lang were in the same group, it was obvious that the visitors were not kind, and Jiang Chen would not be polite to him sometimes.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, everyone was so shocked that their eyes almost stared out.

A new disciple who just entered Sect, dare not put Outer Sect ranked tenth Jiao Nan To put in one’s eyes.

This kid is too aggressive.

“Boy, how do you fucking speak.”

“Dare to talk to Senior Brother Jiao Nan like that, I think you don’t want to mix in Taixu Sect Outer Sect.”

“We, Senior Brother Jiao Nan, can find you, that is because he values ​​you. Don’t toast or eat fine wine!”

Behind Jiao Nan, all of his attendants were furious.

They all looked at Jiang Chen murderously, in a posture that Jiao Nan gave an order to do it.

Jiao Nan’s face was also gloomy and a little terrifying.

As one of the few geniuses of Outer Sect of Taixu Zong, there are disciples of Inner Sect who are the backers.

Jiao Nan can be said to want the wind to get the wind, rain and rain.

In this Outer Sect, how can anyone dare not give him a face like Jiang Chen?

“Jiang Chen, I originally thought that as long as you lend me 10,000 honor points, I won’t care about the last time I interfered with Chen Lang’s collection of protection fees.”

“Since you don’t know what is good or bad, don’t blame me for being polite!”

“Don’t you like to stand up for those new disciples? Then you will pay for their protection money in the future.”

Jiao Nan stared at Jiang Chen sternly: “Five thousand honor points a day, if you don’t pay one less, you won’t want to get involved in Taixu Sect in the future!”

According to Jiao Nan’s original plan.

He didn’t intend to turn his face with Jiang Chen for the time being, but wanted to first use Jiang Chen’s ability to gather medicine to help him earn honor points.

But now that Jiang Chen doesn’t give him a face like this, how can Jiao Nan stand it?

“If you want me to be in the Taixu Sect, do you deserve it?”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously.

He was too lazy to pay attention to Jiao Nan, and turned around to leave.

“court death!”

Jiao Nan’s expression was cold, and his fierce claws brought a fierce energy to Jiang Chen’s shoulder as quickly as lightning.

Jiang Chen directly moved a few meters away.

He tilted his head to look at Jiao Nan, his eyes narrowed involuntarily: “Do you want to do it?”

“Even if I do, what can you do?”

Jiao Nan said with a sneer: “If you don’t hand over your five thousand honor points today, you will never want to leave in front of me!”

He is the top ten figure in Outer Sect.

A new disciple who has just entered Taixu Sect, even if he has the strength to defeat the 18th ranked Chen Lang, Jiao Nan still does not have To put in one’s eyes.

“You can do it if you want. See you in the martial arts arena in three days.”

“Three days later, there will be a ranking match for our new disciples. Then I will challenge you in the ranking match.”

Jiang Chen looked at Jiao Nan indifferently, and his faint voice resounded in mid-air instantly.

“I’m just trying to get the top ten status of Outer Sect, since you took the initiative to send it to the door, then you, the tenth position of Outer Sect, I want it!”

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