Chapter 342 Moonscar Chamber of Commerce, it’s not what you want to dismantle!

“Hey, the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce is going to be over this time!”

“Yes, it is said that the Yu family targeted the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce this time, but the Sacred Dragon Chamber of Commerce is behind it!”

“On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to sleep. The Moonscar Chamber of Commerce wants to develop under the eyes of the Sacred Dragon Chamber of Commerce, it is simply a dream!”

Hearing Yu Tai’s extremely arrogant voice, everyone watching around couldn’t help shaking their heads and sighing.

All the time.

The Sacred Dragon Chamber of Commerce is the sole leader in the True Dragon Kingdom and almost monopolizes the business of the True Dragon Kingdom.

It is precisely because of this.

The prices of many things in the Sacred Dragon Chamber of Commerce are ridiculously high.

Many civilian practitioners are full of resentment for the monopolistic exploitation of the Sacred Dragon Chamber of Commerce.

They are also happy to see that the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce can break this situation.


The Sacred Dragon Chamber of Commerce is obviously unwilling to see such a situation.

This time they used Yu’s family to plot the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce, and it was clear that they were going to the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce to die.

It is almost impossible for the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce to survive in the Ancestral Dragon City.

“Yu Tai, it seems that it has not yet reached the time we agreed with each other.”

Yue Yangcheng’s face sank, and he coldly snorted: “You Yujia are too impatient, right?”

“There are indeed three days left before the time we agreed.”

“But… do you think there will be any difference in the result even if I give you three days at home?”

Yu Tai smiled coldly and said, “I don’t believe that your Moonscar Chamber of Commerce can still produce dozens of fourth rank Medicine Pills within three days?”

“Whether the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce can hand over the Medicine Pill within three days is our own business.”

Yue Yangcheng’s expression was indifferent and said: “At least now, please take people away!”

“You said that if you let me go, I have to leave. Who do you think you are?”

Yu Tai smiled contemptuously, and said proudly: “Today, I am here to pick up the goods at the order of the Patriarch. If you can’t deliver them, then I will tear down your Moonscar Chamber of Commerce!”

Seeing Yu Taida’s posture of doing something when he didn’t agree, Yue Yangcheng’s face became quite difficult to look.

“Hehe, what a majestic Yujia!”

“But… The Moonscar Chamber of Commerce is not what you want to dismantle. Today I want to see, who dares to move the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce!”


Just as Tai Aoran’s voice just fell, a faint sneer sounded slowly in the air.

The sudden sneer made everyone around him startled.

And Yu Tai’s face also became gloomy in an instant.

He followed the voice and saw Jiang Chen slowly walking out from behind Yue Yangcheng.

“Where did the hairy boy dare to take care of my family’s affairs, I think you are living impatiently.”

Yu Tai’s expression turned cold, and he couldn’t help but sternly shouted at Jiang Chen.

“Three days later, the Moonmark Chamber of Commerce will automatically hand over Medicine Pill to you at home as agreed.”

Jiang Chen ignored Yu Tai’s sharp drink.

He glanced at Yu Tai indifferently, and said lightly: “Now, you can take your people to roll.”

“Boy, what are you, dare to be arrogant in front of me!”

Yu Tai stared at Jiang Chen coldly, and his whole person instantly became murderous: “If I have to have a result today.”

“You can try it!”

Jiang Chen looked at Yu Tai faintly, the voice of disdainful chuckle also resounded in mid-air instantly.

“But… you just don’t have the qualifications to be wild in the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce!”

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