Chapter 341 Arrogant Yu Tai!

More than ten minutes later.

Under the leadership of Yue Yangcheng, Jiang Chen came to the branch of the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce in the True Dragon Kingdom.

When they appeared at the gate of the Moonscar Chamber of Commerce.

It was discovered that there were already a large number of people crowded here.

Except for some onlookers watching the excitement around.

The field has been divided into two distinct camps, and the atmosphere is particularly tense.

One of the parties facing the confrontation is naturally the people of the Moonmark Chamber of Commerce.

And on the opposite side of them.

More than a dozen people wearing the same costumes stood upright, and each of them exuded an extremely fierce aura.

Kaiyuan Realm!

With these more than a dozen Daoist shadows, each of them has reached the Kaiyuan realm!

“It’s worthy of being the Real Dragon Nation. The Martial Dao level here is indeed a lot higher than the Daxia Nation.”

Looking at the more than a dozen Kaiyuan realm powerhouses in front of him, Jiang Chen was also amazed.

In the Great Xia Country.

I am afraid that only the Royal Family of the Daxia Kingdom and the Meng Family, the first Martial Dao family, can come up with such a strong lineup. .

His gaze swept slightly over the group of Kaiyuan Realm Practitioners.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell directly on the middle-aged man in the black robe in front of the group of people.

The middle-aged in the black robe looked indifferent, although he didn’t look as domineering as the dozen or so Practitioners behind him.

However, Jiang Chen faintly felt a hint of danger from his body.

“This is the black-clothed guard of the Yu family, and the black-clothed middle-aged headed by it is Yu Tai, the leader of the black-clothed guard of the Yu family, who has the strength of the Kaiyuan Ninth Stage.”

See the situation at the door of the Moon Mark Chamber of Commerce.

Yue Yangcheng’s complexion also became unpleasant, and it looked like: “The specific agreed time limit is still three days, and I can’t live without it until I get home.”

“Yu Tai, there are still three days before the time limit agreed by our Yuehen Chamber of Commerce with your Yu family. What do you mean by taking someone at the door of the Yuehen Chamber of Commerce?”

On the side of the Moon Mark Chamber of Commerce.

The head of a gray-haired old man looked at Yu Tai and the others, his complexion a little unsightly and authentic.

“Hehe… Even if we give you three days to the Moonmark Chamber of Commerce from Yujia, what can you do?”

“With the current situation of your Moonmark Chamber of Commerce, it is impossible to hand over the Medicine Pill we need.”

Yu Tai chuckles disdainfully: “Old guy, I don’t want to talk nonsense with you, let Yue Yangcheng come out to see me immediately, otherwise don’t blame me for being polite!”

“Our president is not in the Chamber of Commerce now. You can find him three days later.”

The white-haired old man said coldly: “My Moonscar Chamber of Commerce will give you an explanation in three days. Please take you away now!”

The corner of Yu Tai’s mouth rose slightly.

He arrogantly said, “If I don’t leave, what can you do to me?”

“Yu Tai, don’t go too far in Yujia!”

“You think I really didn’t know that your Yu family colluded with the Sacred Dragon Chamber of Commerce to plot against my Moonscar Chamber of Commerce!”

“You Yu family is also the famous Martial Dao family in Ancestral Dragon City anyway. Now you have become a dog of the Sacred Dragon Chamber of Commerce. It is not ashamed!”

Looking at the arrogant Yu Tai, Yue Yangcheng couldn’t help stepping forward, and shouted angrily.

“Yue Yangcheng, you finally showed up. I thought you were going to hide in the dark to be a turtle with your head.”

Yu Tai sneered at the oncoming Yue Yangcheng, and the proud voice sounded directly in everyone’s ears.

“I now give you two choices, whether to deliver the goods as agreed, or to use the entire Moonmark Chamber of Commerce to repay the debt, you can choose one of the two!”

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