Chapter 313 Don’t want to die, just get out of here!

“Qi Liang, I won’t agree to your terms!”

“Qinghe Medical Center doesn’t welcome you either, you can get out of here!”

Qiu Ruolan stared at the Jinpao boy Qi Liang angrily with a pretty face, and her cold voice resounded instantly.

“Qiu Ruolan, don’t toast without eating fine wine.”

“In this Ancestral Dragon City, as long as I Qi Liang wants to get something, there is nothing I can’t get.”

Qi Liang’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He looked at Qiu Ruolan with a sneer: “You obediently promise me now, maybe it’s still too late!”

Qiu Ruolan’s face was cold: “Qi Liang, if you dare to run wild in the Qinghe Medical Center, he will not forgive you when my teacher returns!”

“Haha… Qiu Ruolan, Hugh will use your teacher to scare me!”

“Isn’t it a sixth rank pill refining master? Why is my family afraid of it?

“Not to mention whether your teacher, Gu Qinghe, can come back, even if he does come back, how can he do me?”

Qi Liang laughed arrogantly: “If you are more acquainted, then obey your Young Master. No one can save you today!”

Hearing Qi Liang’s arrogant words, Qiu Ruolan’s pretty face couldn’t help but show a pale look.

Just when she was a little at a loss.

A faint voice sounded abruptly in the air.

“Hey, can you please make way?”

The sudden sound made everyone stunned for a while.

They followed the voice and saw Jiang Chen walking out of the crowd.

“Boy, who are you and what do you want to do?”

Looking at the kid who came out suddenly, Qi Liang couldn’t help but suddenly sank, and sternly shouted at Jiang Chen.

“Nothing, I just want to go to Qinghe Medical Center.”

Jiang Chen said lightly, “Trouble you to give in, don’t stand here and block my way!”


When Jiang Chen said this, there was a burst of uproar from all around him.

“Whhhhhhhh-trough! Who is this kid who dares to speak in front of Qi Liang?”

“Who knows, this guy is from a different place at first sight, otherwise how dare he not get along with Qi Liang.”

“Oh! Offended Qi Liang, this kid is probably dead.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words that didn’t put him in his eyes, a cold light flashed in Qi Liang’s eyes.

He shouted to Jiang Chen with an uncomfortable expression: “Boy, haven’t you seen this Young Master doing business here? I don’t care who you are, just get out of here as far as you can!”

This kid looks like a hillbilly from outside.

With this kind of stuff, he dared to run wild in front of him, it was almost reckless!

“I think the person who should get rid of is you.”

Jiang Chen still said blankly: “A good dog doesn’t stand in the way. You won’t be inferior to a dog, are you?”

“Where did the little bastard come from, such a big dog, dare to insult Ben Shao!”

Qi Liang’s gaze instantly became stunned: “Today…this Young Master will let you know what it will be like to dare to be wild in front of me!”

Qi Liangsenran’s voice fell, he was about to take a shot and give Jiang Chen a little bit of color.

Jiang Chen’s figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Before Qi Liang could react.

Jiang Chen had already slapped his face with a slap.

Qi Liang suddenly screamed, and Jiang Chen rolled out a few meters away in embarrassment.

He snarled at Jiang Chen and roared: “Bad son, you dare to hit me, do you know who I am?”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and the voice without the slightest emotion rang in Qi Liang’s ears.

“I don’t care who you are, if you don’t want to die, just get out of here!”

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