Chapter 312 True Dragon Kingdom, Qinghe Medical Center!

Time flies, and three days pass by in a flash.

Early morning on the third day.

Jiang Chen went to the pill refining division as scheduled to meet with Yan Qingxuan.

The two bought a third rank Demonic Beasts thunder-winged condor from the Beast Trainer Guild, and then left the imperial city of the Great Xia Kingdom and headed for the True Dragon Kingdom.

True Dragon Kingdom.

Located in the south of Daxia State, it is also the center of Taixuzong’s jurisdiction, Sacred Land.

It is precisely because of this.

The True Dragon Nation is powerful, even in the entire Northern Desolate Nine Nation, its strength is among the top three.

After Jiang Chen and the others flew all the way south for more than ten days, they finally entered the realm of True Dragon Kingdom.

Along the way.

Jiang Chen also learned a lot about the True Dragon Kingdom from Yan Qingxuan’s mouth.

True Dragon Kingdom Martial Dao is prosperous, even those who reach the Kaiyuan realm are almost not uncommon.

And as a big country close to Taixuzong.

Here all kinds of high-level practice inheritance, Cultivation Technique esoteric studies emerge in endlessly.

The vitality of heaven and earth here is also several times thicker and purer than Daxia Kingdom.

It is said that some huge family forces still occupy the treasures of spiritual veins, and the cultivation resources are extremely rich…

It can be said.

Compared with the Practitioner of the True Dragon Kingdom, the Practitioner of the Daxia Kingdom is like a beggar coming out of the poor country.

Under Realm, the Practitioner of the True Dragon Kingdom can almost easily abuse the Practitioner of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Enter the territory of True Dragon Kingdom.

After Jiang Chen and the others continued to fly south for half a month, a city that was more majestic and magnificent than the Imperial City of Great Xia finally appeared in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

After driving for nearly a month, Jiang Chen and the others finally arrived at Zulongcheng, the capital of the True Dragon Kingdom.

After collecting the Thunder-winged Condor and paying the entrance fee for the five hundred lower-grade Spirit Stones, Jiang Chen and the two entered the city smoothly.

“Brother Yan, where are we going now?”

After entering Ancestral Dragon City, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but asked Yan Qingxuan, who was beside him.

“I have an old friend of many years in this Ancestral Dragon City, who is also a sixth rank pill refining master.”

“He opened a medical center here, called Qinghe Medical Center.”

Yan Qingxuan smiled slightly and said: “Let’s go to Qinghe Medical Center to meet him first, and by the way, learn about the specific situation of the pill refining conference.”

Yan Qingxuan said, and then took Jiang Chen towards the west of Zulong City.

After half an hour.

Jiang Chen and the two came to the door of Qinghe Medical Center.

When they appeared here, they found a large group of people gathered at the door of Qinghe Medical Center, surrounding the entire Qinghe Medical Center.

at the same time.

The voices of discussion came to Jiang Chen and the others in an instant.

“Hey… Qiu Ruolan of Qinghe Medical Center, this time I am afraid it will be hard to escape the clutches of Young Master Qi Liangqi.”

“Yes, there used to be Gu Qinghe, the owner of the Qinghe Medical Center, who supported her. Qi Liang didn’t dare to blatantly treat Qiu Ruolan. Who else can save her now?”

“It’s a pity.”

I heard the voices of discussion around me.

Yan Qingxuan’s complexion couldn’t help but sink slightly: “Unexpectedly, someone came to Qinghe Medical Center to stray wildly. It seems that something happened to my old friend.”

“Let’s go and take a look.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and then strode towards the gate of Qinghe Medical Center.

Squeeze into the crowd.

Jiang Chen glanced away and saw a beautiful girl about sixteen or seventeen in a blue dress standing at the gate of Qinghe Medical Center.

Opposite the girl was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy in a gorgeous brocade robe.

“Qiu Ruolan, I don’t know what I said last time, how are you thinking about it?”

Just when Jiang Chen was looking at the situation on the court.

The faint laughter of the Jinpao boy also rang in his ears.

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