Chapter 301 The Seventh Prince Appears!

Looking at Jiang Chen who appeared ghostly in front of him again.

The eldest prince Xia Lin’s eyes suddenly shrank.

He quickly urged Xiantian True Qi in his body to prepare for defense.


His strength is only in the Xiantian Sixth Stage, how can he stop Jiang Chen’s attack?

I saw Jiang Chen’s fierce kick instantly destroying the defense of the prince’s body, True Qi.


The eldest prince’s body trembled, and once again he flew out without exception, and fell heavily to the ground several feet away.

After being hit by Jiang Chen twice in a row, the eldest prince only felt like his whole body fell apart, and bursts of intense pain stimulated his nerves.


Before he was struggling to stand up from the ground.

Jiang Chen’s figure appeared ghostly on top of his head again, and stepped on him.

this moment.

A shadow of Death also instantly surged into the heart of the prince.

“I… I give up the emperor’s assessment!”

Facing the threat of Death, the eldest prince finally couldn’t help but screamed in horror.

With the words of the eldest prince.

A majestic spatial force in the air instantly swept up several people in the prince’s team and disappeared in front of Jiang Chen and the others.

And after the eldest prince and others disappeared.

With a move of his palm, Jiang Chen directly took the five emperor’s orders on the ground into his bag.

“Unexpectedly… I actually won the emperor’s assessment.”

The third prince Xia Xuan stared blankly at the emperor’s order in Jiang Chen’s hand, and it took him almost a while to recover from the shock.

Since being secretly blocked by the eldest prince, the third prince Xia Xuan has almost lost confidence in this emperor’s assessment.

But at this critical time.

Jiang Chen suddenly appeared beside him, shouldering all the people who helped him to participate in the emperor’s assessment.

Come this way.

Jiang Chen also showed his incomparably powerful strength, leading him to this step.


Emperor Jiuyuan made him already have eight yuan in hand.

As long as he gets the last one in the valley in front of him, he can gather an emperor’s order and inherit the throne of the Great Xia Kingdom!

“Brother Jiang Chen, thank you very much.”

“If it weren’t for your help this time, I wouldn’t have been able to defeat the prince and win nine emperor orders.”

“In the future, in Daxia Country, you can speak as long as you have useful things for me. Xia Xuan is bound to do so!”

The third prince Xia Xuanqiang suppressed his excitement and said gratefully to Jiang Chen.

“Hehe… you say thank you to me now, I’m afraid it’s a bit early.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised slightly: “This emperor’s assessment, I’m afraid it hasn’t really ended yet.”

“Brother Jiang Chen, what do you mean?”

The third prince Xia Xuan was taken aback for a moment:

The eldest prince Xia Lindu had already given up the emperor’s assessment, and the last emperor’s order was also placed in front of them, who else could really tell them the emperor’s order?

Jiang Chen did not answer Xia Xuan.

He looked somewhere to the left, and said faintly: “Seventh Prince, when are you going to hide?”

“Jiang Chen, you are really amazing.”

“Unexpectedly, you really assisted the third brother to the end with your own strength.”

Just as Jiang Chen’s voice fell, a voice rang in Jiang Chen’s ears instantly.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw that the Seventh Prince Xia Ye slowly walked out of the forest on the left with his team.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Xia Ye and others, the third prince Xia Xuan’s expression suddenly changed: “Xia Ye, you…you are still in the ancestral land of the royal family!”

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