Chapter 300 Fight until you are willing to pay! !

Jiang Chen said proudly.

He clenched his fist suddenly, and the fierce Xiantian fist blasted out in five different directions.


With Jiang Chen’s five punches blasted out.

I saw the circling dark red light on the five poisonous trapped dragon formations, all of them stopped in vain at this moment.

And at the moment when the Five Poison Entrapped Dragon Array stopped functioning.

Jiang Chen’s figure suddenly rose from the ground and rushed towards the pattern of the five poisonous trapped dragon formations above his head.

“Shenlong Potian Fist, break it for me!”

Jiang Chen screamed, and the mysterious high-level Martial Skill Shenlong Potian Fist instantly smashed against the formation of the five poisonous trapped dragon formations.


The fierce punch of the Shenlong Potian Fist drowned the formation of the five poisons trapped in the dragon formation in just a blink of an eye.

Only a clicking sound was heard.

The formation of the five poisonous trapped dragon formation was instantly crushed by Jiang Chen’s fist.

at the same time.

The dark red mask that enveloped Jiang Chen and the others instantly turned into a little bit of starlight, dissipating out of thin air in mid-air.

It can be seen that Jiang Chen broke the five poisonous trapped dragon formation so simply and neatly.

Whether it was the big prince and others in the field, or the people who watched the royal family’s ancestral land, there was an inconceivable horror in the eyes!

At this moment.

They can no longer use words to describe how evil Jiang Chen is!

In three duels with the prince.

Jiang Chen’s performance simply brightened their eyes.

The Practitioner of Kaiyuan Realm in half a step, he directly kills with a single sword!

The fourth rank beast trainer, he was also an understatement to defeat!

Now even the fifth rank formation is still broken by him!

This kid…do you want to be so exaggerated or heaven-defying?


“You… how could you break my five poisonous trapped dragon formation?”

Gong Lin stared blankly at the scene before him, and also let out an incredible roar in his mouth.

The five poisonous dragon formations, this is the real fifth rank formation.

Jiang Chen is just a fourth rank formation. How could he break the five poisonous trapped dragon formation so easily?

To know……

Even a general fifth rank formation master would never be able to “break the five poisonous trapped dragon formation in such a short time.”

“There are so many formations in this world, and there is no formation without weakness.”

“As long as we find the weakness of the formation, how difficult is it to break it?”

Jiang Chen just smiled contemptuously, and ignored Gong Lin.

He looked directly at the eldest prince Xia Lin, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “The prince, now you have used the last hole cards, now you can hand in the emperor’s order obediently.”

“No! The emperor’s order is mine, and no one wants to take my emperor’s order!”

“Only I can become the winner of the emperor’s assessment, and only I can inherit the throne of the Great Xia Kingdom and become a new generation of Xia Emperor!”

The prince Xia Lin Zhuangruo roared frantically.

“You don’t pay, are you? Then I will fight until you are willing to pay!”

Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and appeared directly beside the prince like a ghost.

The big prince’s face changed drastically, and as soon as he was about to resist, Jiang Chen’s ghostly palms had already grabbed his shoulders and firmly fixed him.

Holding the prince’s body with a palm, Jiang Chen shook his wrist and threw the prince out like a sandbag.


The prince staggered and fell to the ground, and fell directly on the ground to eat shit.

Before the eldest prince stabilized his figure.

Jiang Chen appeared next to him like a ghost again, kicking the ball with the sole of his foot…

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