Chapter 2495 Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King

With this faint voice came out.

Xu Fei also suppressed the anger in his heart, and shouted to Zhao Guang with cold eyes: “Zhao Guang, betraying the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce will not end well, I hope you will not regret it in the future!”

Zhao Guang snorted faintly: “Huh, I don’t need Xu Deacon to worry about it.”

“let’s go!”

Xu Fei was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Zhao Guang, and directly led the caravan in the direction of Wansheling.

“Boss Zhao, I didn’t expect that Xu Fei suddenly changed his route temporarily, what shall we do now?”

Beside Zhao Guang, a distracting cultivator looked at the direction the caravan was leaving, his brows frowned tightly.

Zhao Guang’s expression was a bit unsightly and said, “What else can I do? Go and meet the owner first, and report the situation truthfully.”

Zhao Guang is a very life-saving person.

The last time they went out to perform a task, Zhao Guang and the others met a man in black with unfathomable strength.

In order to save his life, Zhao Guang had to surrender to the man in black and became an internal correspondent of the man in black in the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce.

This time, when Xu Fei came to work in the Silent Blood Plain, Zhao Guang had already secretly discussed with the man in black that he would do it at the junction of the Silent Blood Plain and the Qingyuan Celestial Domain.


Zhao Guang didn’t expect Xu Fei to change his route at a critical moment, planning to pass directly through Wansheling.

Zhao Guang is naturally very clear about what kind of place Wansheling is.

Wansheling, this place is also a place where the average Transcends Tribulation cultivator will die.

Xu Fei wanted to pass through Wansheling, it was no different from sending him to the door to find death.

It is precisely because of this.

Zhao Guangcai, who had always cherished his life, did not continue to hide. He didn’t want to follow Xu Fei to Wansheling to die.

“let’s go!”

Zhao Guang did not hesitate at the moment, and directly led everyone to gallop in the other direction.

On the desolate Plain of Silent Blood, the wind and sand continued, the sound of wooing hovered in the sky, and finally flew away with a wisp of wind and sand.

The Serene Blood Plain here has gradually approached the outside of the Qingyuan Heavenly Territory, so occasionally one or two Daoist shadows can be seen, but they are all very sparse and disappear in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Chen and their motorcade are still moving slowly in the direction of Wan Yaoling.

As the convoy approached the Ten Thousand Demons Ridge, the expressions of the many guards of the caravan became more and more solemn.

They all held the palms of their weapons silently, and their expressions were extremely tense.

Even Xu Fei couldn’t help but came to the carriage where Jiang Chen was.

He looked at Jiang Chen, who was closing his eyes in the carriage, and could not help but reminded: “Little friend Jiang Chen, the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge is coming soon, and we are about to enter the territory of the Bloodthirsty Snake Demon King…”

“Xu Deacon don’t have to panic, you just take the caravan from Wansheling. Since I said to keep you safe, the Snake Deacon King of Wanyaling won’t hurt you anymore.”

Jiang Chen opened his eyes and couldn’t help but smile faintly.

The Snake Demon King in the Transcends Tribulation period may be a very tricky existence for ordinary people.

But in Jiang Chen’s eyes, it was just a bigger ant.

As long as the Snake Demon King doesn’t have the strength comparable to the quasi-Mahayana cultivator, even if he doesn’t take action, he can easily deal with a thousand killings.

If the Snake Demon King really wanted to trouble them anyway, he would just kill it!

“With those words from little friend Jiang Chen, I’m relieved.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s calm appearance, Xu Fei’s heart was also relieved a lot.

This time he came to the Plain of Silent Blood, the power he brought was not strong, even before Zhao Guang and others left, they were far from being able to compete with the one in Wansheling, let alone now.

Now he can only pin all his hopes on Jiang Chen.

The motorcade galloped again on the Plain of Silent Blood for about half an hour, and finally slowed down slowly.

Inside the carriage.

Jiang Chen, who had been closing his eyes and rested, sensed something in an instant, his eyes couldn’t help but penetrate the carriage and looked forward.

What appeared in his sight was a rather steep mountain.

The mountain peaks rise from the ground, as high as several thousand feet, and there is a gorge as wide as one hundred feet in the middle, as if it was approved by a sword.


From the depths of the mountain, Jiang Chen felt a powerful life fluctuation that was not weaker than the Transcends Tribulation cultivator. It was obviously the snake that Xu Fei said was the king.

“Everyone is cheering up, and they are about to enter Wan Snake Ridge. The two who opened the road in front are ready to spread snake powder along the way. As long as the snake creatures here are not allowed to approach, the Snake Demon King will not easily find us!”

Just as Jiang Chen looked at the mountain in front of him, Xu Fei also began to give orders in an orderly manner.

In Ten Thousand Demon Ridge, the Snake Demon King in the Transcends Tribulation period practiced Closed Door Training all the year round.

It relied on the snake creatures in the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge to master the situation in the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge.

As long as these snake creatures are not disturbed, they may be able to pass through Wan Snake Ridge unharmed.

Although Jiang Chen seemed confident to deal with the Snake Demon King in Ten Thousand Demon Ridge, it would be best if he could pass through the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge without disturbing the Snake Demon King.

Under Xu Fei’s orderly arrangement, the convoy started again, and then slowly entered the steep mountain ahead.

After the convoy entered the Wanyao Ridge, it went forward for nearly a stick of incense, but nothing happened.

Seeing that they had passed through most of the Ten Thousand Demons Ridge, Xu Fei was also slightly relieved.


They could really pass this Ten Thousand Demon Ridge without disturbing the Snake Demon King this time.


Just when Xu Fei and the others breathed a sigh of relief, the Blood Thousand Killers who had been at the forefront of the train team suddenly opened their eyes.


I saw that suddenly raised his hand and pointed out the mountain forest beside the canyon.


Only heard a loud bang, the earth trembling fiercely within a hundred miles, countless towering ancient trees collapsed, and a giant snake corpse with a size of hundreds of meters also rolled directly out of the mountain forest.

“Oops, this is in front of the Snake Demon King, we were still discovered.”

Seeing the corpse of the giant snake, Xu Fei’s expression suddenly changed.

Now they were spotted by the Snake Demon King’s eyeliner and killed the Snake Demon King’s eyeliner. It would be impossible to leave safely.


Just when Xu Fei was terrified, in the depths of the Ten Thousand Demon Ridge, a monster of blood cut through the world, and quickly rushed in the direction Jiang Chen and the others were.

Immediately afterwards.

A weird sneer laughter resounded abruptly in this world.

“Jie Jie, where did the human idiot come from wanting to slip past this king’s territory, it’s just wishful thinking!”

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