Chapter 2494 Ten Thousand Snake Ridge

On the endless blood-colored plain and pitch black, a motorcade brought a faint yellow dust, galloped across the plain, and finally disappeared at the end of the line of sight.

Inside a carriage in the center of the convoy.

Jiang Chen sat in the Lotus Position, and in front of him, Xu Fei, the principal of the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce caravan, was impressive.

Xu Fei’s caravan’s escort is indeed not very strong, not even a Transcends Tribulation cultivator.

In addition to Xu Fei, the caravan’s guard captain is also a cultivator, and the rest are cultivators of the distracting Nascent Soul period.

This kind of strength is nothing at all in the powerful Poxian Universe.

It is precisely because of this.

Xu Fei only invited Jiang Chen to join him when he felt the power of Jiang Chen that was not inferior to the Transcends Tribulation cultivator.

after all.

The Serene Blood Plain is not a good place. Under this kind of danger of being robbed everywhere, if there are two Transcends Tribulation cultivators in the caravan, it will really give people a lot of peace of mind.

“Little friend Jiang Chen, we are probably already in this position now. At our speed, we should be able to enter the territory of Qingyuan Tianyu in three days.”

In the carriage, Xu Fei took out a yellowish map from his arms, slowly spread it out on the table in front of him, and pointed to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen glanced at the map casually, and then looked at the red line on Xu Fei’s finger that went towards the Qingyuan Tianyu. He couldn’t help but frown and said, “This red line should be the route we are currently traveling on. Bar?”

The red line under Xu Fei’s finger obviously made a big circle on the map.

If they don’t take a detour, their journey to the Qingyuan Tianyu will probably be cut by at least half.

“There are many dangers in the Serene Blood Plain. The red lines on this map are some safe routes marked by our Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce after years of exploration.”

“In our current position, walking along the red line will be relatively safer.”

Xu Fei said, pointing his finger at an area in front of them, and said in a deep voice: “If we continue to go straight, although the distance will be shortened a lot, we must pass through Wansheling.”

“Wan Snake Ridge?”

Jiang Chen asked with a puzzled look: “Is this place dangerous?”

“Wan Snake Ridge, this is the most dangerous place in the Silent Blood Plain, where there is a snake king whose strength is comparable to the Transcends Tribulation cultivator.”

“This Snake King is extremely insidious and cunning, even the average Transcends Tribulation cultivator dare not easily set foot in this Snake King’s territory.”

“Because the snake king is not only very powerful, but can also order the many snakes in Wansheling, and the venom contained in some poisonous snakes is even enough to pose a threat to the Transcends Tribulation cultivator.”

Xu Fei explained solemnly.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but ponder for a moment, then looked up at Xu Fei and said: “If it’s just a snake monster in the Transcends Tribulation period, don’t have to be so troublesome, let’s pass directly through Wansheling.”

The mere snake demon in the Transcends Tribulation period is naturally not enough to make Jiang Chen retreat.

With his current strength, not to mention the snake monster in the Transcends Tribulation period, even if the snake monster has the strength of the quasi-Mahayana period, it will not pose the slightest threat to him.

“Straight… directly from Wansheling?”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, Xu Fei couldn’t help but looked up at Jiang Chen with an unbelievable expression, and was shocked severely in his heart.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

After telling the situation in Wansheling, Jiang Chen would still choose to go to Wansheling.

Is this guy a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, or does he really have the terrifying power of not fearing the snake demon in Wansheling?

Jiang Chen seemed to see Xu Fei’s concerns, and couldn’t help but smile faintly: “Don’t worry, just pass by Wansheling. I guarantee your caravan will reach Qingyuan Tianyu unscathed.”

“Okay, let’s listen to little friend Jiang Chen, let’s go over from Wansheling!”

Xu Fei’s eyes changed slightly, and finally he bit down, and decided to believe Jiang Chen and passed by Wansheling.

The matter of his coming to the Silent Blood Plain is very important to the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce. The longer they delay on the way, the more dangerous the situation will be. Naturally, Xu Fei also hopes to return to the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible.

not to mention……

If they abandon the original route and change to Wansheling by surprise, they might be able to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Of course, the premise is that both Jiang Chen can cope with the snake monster in Wansheling.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to get out of Wansheling alive.


Since Jiang Chen still dared to pass through Wansheling after knowing the situation of Wansheling, he must have certain certainty.

Xu Fei didn’t think about it anymore, and immediately ordered the team to move towards Wansheling.

“Xu deacon, Wansheling has a Transcends Tribulation period snake king entrenched. Even the general Transcends Tribulation period cultivator has to take a detour. We pass Wansheling like this, it is no different from sending death.”

The caravan’s guard captain who was in harmony during the period heard Xu Fei’s words and could not help but quickly objected.

Xu Fei waved his hand and said indifferently: “I have decided, you just have to do it.”

“Xu Fei, it’s your business if you want to find your own way, and I won’t let my brothers accompany you to die!”

The captain of the guard snorted coldly, and immediately shouted: “Brothers, Xu Deacon is whimsical. If you want to pass through Wansheling, leave with me if you don’t want to die.”

“Zhao Guang, as a member of the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce, such a move is no different from betraying the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce. Have you ever thought about the consequences of betraying the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce?”

Xu Fei shouted sharply, and his face instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

“This Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce, Daddy didn’t want to stay anymore.”

“The sky is big and the earth is big, I don’t believe that there is no place for me, Zhao Guang, in this world except for the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce.”

Zhao Guang smiled coldly, and then said loudly: “Brothers, Wan Snake Ridge is the site of the snake demon in the Transcends Tribulation period. If you don’t want to die with Xu Fei, then leave the Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce with me.”

As soon as Zhao Guang said this, almost ordinary guards abandoned the caravan and planned to leave with Zhao Guang.

“Zhao Guang!”

Xu Fei burst into anger and screamed, and a sharp killing intent also spread from his body in an instant.

In their action this time, the guard force was not strong.

Now, under Zhao Guang’s instigation, the strength of the guards has instantly weakened by more than half. How can this make Xu Fei not angry?

“Why, my Xu Da deacon, do you still want to do it?”

Zhao Guang sneered with a scornful look: “Although you are slightly better than me at Cultivation Base, you are completely dependent on Medicine Pill Ascension. If you really want to fight, you may not be able to get any cheap!”

Xu Fei’s expression was extremely gloomy.

Just as he was about to make a move, a faint voice came from the carriage behind him.

“Xu Deacon, since they want to go, let them go.”


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