Chapter 2484 Genius Assassination Plan

The blood sword fairy sect.

A courtyard specially prepared for the distinguished guests of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect.

Jiang Chen sits leisurely in the courtyard sipping tea, only a thousand bloody kills on the side, his expression is much more solemn.

“Master, do you think the Blood Sword Immortal Sect will choose to cooperate with us?”

Although the Blood Sword Immortal Sect and the Blood Fiend Sect are enemies of life and death, they are not Mahayana cultivators and are not very helpful to the Blood Sword Immortal Sect.


Jiang Chen is still from the outer universe, and the Blood Sword Immortal Sect may not dare to take such a big risk.

“Be safe and not restless.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “The Blood Sword Immortal Sect will definitely come to us.”

Today’s Blood Sword Immortal Sect is already on the edge of the cliff, unable to retreat at all.

If this continues, all that awaits them is their destruction.

Even if there is such a chance, the Blood Sword Immortal Sect will never give up easily.

The fact is just as Jiang Chen expected.

They didn’t wait long, and a mysterious uninvited guest came directly out of Jiang Chen’s courtyard.

The person here is a handsome middle-aged man in a blood robe. The middle-aged man has a very strong aura. He is like a cultivator who has reached the quasi-Mahayana stage of Cultivation Base.

“Under the Blood Sword Immortal Sect Sect Leader sword has no blood, I have seen two of them.”

The middle-aged man looked at Jiang Chen in the courtyard and couldn’t help but hugged the cupped fist.

“Hello Sect Leader, you can call me Jiang Chen.”

Jiang Chen said hello with a smile, and did not talk nonsense with Jian Wuxue, and directly asked: “Sword Sect Leader is here for this trip, presumably your Blood Sword Immortal Sect has already decided, right?”

Jian Wuxue smiled slightly and said: “As long as it is the enemy of the Blood Sword Sect, it is my friend of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect. We, the Blood Sword Sect, are willing to cooperate with the two to deal with the Blood Sect Sect.”

“So, then I wish us a happy cooperation.”

As Jiang Chen said, he couldn’t help asking again: “I don’t know if you Blood Sword Immortal Sect, what plan do you have to deal with the Blood Fiend Sect?”

“The Blood Fiend Sect is the famous Immortal Sect in the Universe. It is very powerful, and it is difficult for my Blood Sword Immortal Sect to contend with.”

“Recently, our Blood Sword Immortal Sect is planning to implement a plan, but there is no suitable candidate.”

“Now that you two are helping each other, through this plan, we should be able to create a lot of trouble for the blood evil sect.”

Jian Wuxue looked solemn and authentic.


Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly: “What plan?”

Jian Wuxue Shen said: “This plan, we Blood Sword Immortal Sect calls it a genius assassination plan…”

Today’s Blood Sword Immortal Sect is a heaven and an underground compared with the Blood Fiend Sect, and there is no qualification to compete directly with the Blood Fiend Sect.


After the Blood Sword Immortal Sect’s Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao was killed, the Blood Sword Immortal Sect also formulated a plan to assassinate the Blood Fiend Sect genius.


To assassinate the Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao of the Blood Fiend Sect, I am afraid that at least the cultivator at the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation must be used.

The three quasi-Mahayana cultivators of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect and the cultivator at the pinnacle of Transcends Tribulation can hardly avoid the eyes and ears of the Blood Fiend Sect.

If the two of Jiang Chen took action, this plan would surely have an amazing effect.

Hearing Jian Wuxue’s plan, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but ponder slightly: “The meaning of the sword Sect Leader, you blood sword immortal school provide information, let us two assassinate the Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao of the blood evil sect?”


“Although the Blood Sword Immortal Sect is now declining, there is still some power in this Silent Blood Territory, which can accurately grasp the blood evil sect to block the whereabouts of Tianjiao and find a perfect assassination opportunity.”

“However, the powerhouses of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect are all under the supervision of the Blood Fiend Sect. It is not easy to assassinate the Blood Fiend’s Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao without the eyes and ears of the Blood Fiend Sect.”

“If the two are willing to take action, the genius assassination plan can be executed perfectly.”

Jian Wuxue took a deep breath, and said solemnly to both Jiang Chen.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but lower his head and fell into contemplation.

The blood evil sect is powerful, even if it is combined with the blood sword immortal sect, it is far from being able to directly compete with the blood evil sect.

If you can assassinate the Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao of the Blood Fiend Sect and give the Blood Fiend Sect some blows, it would be a good idea.

With his current strength, he is no less inferior to the quasi-Mahayana cultivator. If the Blood Sword Immortal Sect provides accurate information, it would not be difficult to assassinate the Transcends Tribulation Tianjiao of the Blood Fiend Sect.

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate anymore, he directly looked up at Jian Wuxue and said, “As long as you Blood Sword Immortal Sect can provide accurate information, let us kill the Tianjiao of the Blood Fiend Sect.”

No matter how.

He wants to make some big movements in Poxian Universe as soon as possible, so that Poxian Universe has no time to take care of the invasion of God’s Domain!

“Since the two have agreed to our plan, let’s rest in the Blood Sword Immortal Sect. When our Blood Sword Immortal Sect has news, we will notify you as soon as possible.”

Jian Wuxue arched his cupped hands at Jiang Chen and he was about to turn around and leave.

“Sword Sect Leader stays…”

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly stopped him.

Jian Wuxue paused in his footsteps, then turned his head and looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously: “What else is there, little friend?”

Jiang Chen smiled and asked: “I heard that the blood evil sect sent a starry sky battleship to the Universe starry sky some time ago. I wonder if this happened?”

“indeed so.”

“About a few years ago, the Blood Fiend Sect sent a starry sky battleship to the Universe starry sky, and the leader was a Mahayana cultivator.”

Jian Wuxue was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jiang Chen and said, “Why did young friend Jiang Chen ask about this suddenly?”

“It’s nothing, I just asked Sword Sect Leader if they know where they went, and see if there is a chance to let the Starry Sky Battleship of the Blood Fiend Cult stay in the Universe forever.”

Jiang Chen smiled without a trace.

Although he has now cooperated with the Blood Sword Immortal Sect, but he didn’t want to easily expose the things he came from God’s Domain, so he could only knock from the side to see if he could get some useful information from the mouth of Jian Wuxue.

“Since Poxian Universe’s immortal road was cut off, Poxian Universe’s ten celestial gates have often sent counters to explore the Universe starry sky. We don’t know exactly where the Blood Fiend’s starry sky battleship went.”

Jian Wuxue shook his head, then looked at Jiang Chen and said, “But… if little friend Jiang Chen really wants to know, the Blood Sword Immortal Sect can also explore it for you.”

“Thanks a lot.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but thanked him.

“If little friend Jiang Chen has anything else, Jian will leave.”

Jian Wuxue said, then he strode around and immediately went to the courtyard where Jiang Chen and the others were.

Seeing Jian Wuxue’s back, Jiang Chen couldn’t help flashing a sharp light in his eyes.

A few years ago, the starry sky battleship of the blood evil sect entered the universe starry sky, and the people who broke the immortal universe just thought that the blood evil sect was going to explore the universe starry sky.

But the starry sky battleship of the blood evil sect finally came to God’s Domain.

In other words.

The expedition army that entered the Poxian Universe and invaded God’s Domain a few years ago should most likely be the behavior of the Blood Fiend Sect. It has nothing to do with the other forces in the Poxian Universe!

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