Chapter 2483 Blood Sword Immortal Sect’s Decision

Jiang Chen pointed to the Blood Thousand Kills beside him, and said with a faint smile: “This one beside me is the Blood Thousand Kills of the Blood Fiend Sect. I must have heard of Withered Blood Elder, right?”

Blood Thousand Kills!

Withered blood, in Elder’s eyes, there was a shock that could not be concealed.

As a member of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect, withered blood Elder knows the Blood Fiend Sect very well, how can he never hear of the name of the Blood Thousand Kill?

Blood Thousand Kills, this is a famous Transcends Tribulation arrogant of the blood evil sect hundreds of years ago.


For some unknown reason, Blood Thousand Kill became a traitor to the blood evil sect, and finally fled into the Universe starry sky embarrassedly.

It’s no wonder that the Blood Fiend Church issued an order to kill the Blood Thousand Kills in the Jie Xue Tianyu not long ago. I didn’t expect this guy to actually come back!

In those days, the Blood Thousand Killers were unparalleled in talent, and was a popular candidate for the next leader of the Blood Fiend Sect.

Such a peerless genius suddenly became a traitor to the Blood Fiend Sect inexplicably, and there must be some kind of trickery in it.

Now that the Blood Thousand Killers have returned to the Silent Blood Territory, it is almost impossible to avenge the blood evil sect. It is reasonable to come to cooperate with their Blood Sword Immortal Sect.

Withered Blood Elder’s eyes flickered, and he couldn’t help but raised his head to look at Jiang Chen: “What about you? If I guess right, you are not the one who broke the Universe, are you?”

Naturally, it is not difficult to see with his old eyesight that the two people in front of him are mainly young men in black.

If the blood-clothed man is really the Blood Thousand Kills of the Blood Fiend Sect, it would be extraordinary for this black-clothed youth to make the blood thousand kills the main thing.

To know.

Blood Thousand Kill was once a famous genius in the Poxian Universe. Even if you look at the entire Poxian Universe, there are only a handful of people who can surpass him.


Blood Thousand Kill has been in the Universe starry sky all these years, and in his capacity it shouldn’t be possible for him to surrender like a person from the Broken Universe.

In other words.

The mysterious black-clothed youth in front of him is likely to come from other universes.

“I am indeed not the one who broke the universe.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently, “But it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that we all have a common enemy now, that is the Blood Fiend Sect!”

Withered blood Elder was silent for a moment before slowly saying: “This matter is of great importance. Please also two stay in the Blood Sword Immortal Sect for a few days. My Blood Sword Immortal Sect needs to consider carefully.”


Jiang Chen nodded slightly, but he didn’t have any objections.

If the Blood Sword Immortal Sect had nothing to say, and now he promised to cooperate with him, he might have doubted whether the Blood Sword Immortal was sincerely cooperating with him.

Withered Blood Elder didn’t say much, and said to the disciple of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect: “Immediately arrange a VIP room and take two guests down to rest.”


The disciple of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect responded, and then made a gesture of please to Jiang Chen and both of them: “You two, please come with me.”

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, and directly followed the disciple of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect.

Seeing Jiang Chen and the others disappearing from the back of the Great Hall, a sharp light flashed in the muddy old eyes of Withered Blood Elder.


With a flick of his finger, three messages were also sent out in three different directions in an instant.

And shortly after these three messages came out.

I saw three blood Qi monstrous quasi-Mahayana cultivators, which also appeared in front of Elder withered blood one after another.

“Too great Elder.”

After the three quasi-Mahayana cultivators appeared, they all saluted Elder respectfully.

The three quasi-Mahayana cultivators were even respectful in front of a Transcends Tribulation late stage cultivator, and they also called them Elder!

If Jiang Chen appeared here at this moment, I’m afraid his eyes would fall from shock.


Withered Blood Elder nodded, and the faint voice sounded directly in the Great Hall.

“Just now, the Blood Sword Immortal Sect has two uninvited guests, one is a traitor from the Blood Sword Sect, Blood Thousand Kills, and a mysterious youth from the Universe. They came to cooperate with the Blood Sword Sect to deal with the Blood Sect Sect, what do you guys do? Look?”

When the three quasi-Mahayana cultivators heard the words, their complexions changed slightly.

“It turns out that Blood Thousand Kills really returned. No wonder the Blood Fiend Church suddenly issued a wanted warrant.”

The middle-aged man in the middle-aged man with a handsome face and extraordinary bearing said in a deep voice, “Too great Elder, now our Blood Sword Immortal Sect can hardly contend with the Blood Fiend Sect. It is also a good choice to join forces with the Blood Thousand Kills.”

The middle-aged man is the contemporary Sect Leader of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect, with no blood on the sword.

“Blood Thousand Kill is regarded as a traitor by the blood evil sect, and the blood evil sect has long been immortal. There is no problem in cooperating with him.”

The skinny old man on the left frowned and said: “But… the mysterious young man outside the Universe, I’m afraid I still have to be treated with caution.”

“Yes, cooperating with people from outside Universe to deal with the blood evil sect, once exposed, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

The other old man also nodded in agreement.

“Two Elders, do you think our Blood Sword Immortal Sect still has a choice now?”

Jian Wuxue smiled bitterly: “If we want the blood sword immortal sect to continue, the only way is to fight to the death.”

After hearing the words Jian Wuxue, the two quasi-Mahayana cultivators were also silent.

Over the years, even though their Blood Sword Immortal Sect has a rich background, the Blood Fiend Sect did not dare to attack the Blood Sword Immortal Sect easily.

But the blood evil sect uses the method of boiling the frog in warm water, bit by bit eats away the power of the blood sword immortal sect, making the blood sword immortal sect worse every day.

Now their Blood Sword Immortal Sect has almost been blocked by the Blood Fiend Sect, and there is no fresh blood to join.

If this continues, even if the blood evil sect does not make a move, their blood sword immortal sect will probably gradually go to extinction.

“Sect Leader, having said that, there shouldn’t be a breakthrough in the Mahayana period. Even if you cooperate with them, I’m afraid it doesn’t make much sense, right?”

The thin old man groaned slightly.

The difference between the Blood Sword Immortal Sect and the Blood Fiend Sect is the power of the Mahayana cultivator.

Unless it is the Mahayana cultivator, even the Transcends Tribulation peak or even the quasi-Mahayana cultivator will not help them much at all.

“The Blood Sword Immortal Sect is now in Ming Dynasty, and it is impossible to make any movements if it is so restricted by the Blood Fiend Sect.”

“If there are two people in the dark, it may be possible to create some trouble for the evil spirits and buy us some time, so that Elder can smoothly break through the Mahayana period.”

“At that time, too, Elder and the trump card left by the ancestor of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect will be enough to pose a threat to the Blood Fiend Sect, and the crisis of the Blood Sword Immortal Sect will be alleviated.”

When Jian Wuxue spoke, sharp light flashed in his eyes.

“Too Elder, it’s up to you to decide.”

When the two quasi-Mahayana cultivators heard the words, they didn’t say anything, but directly looked at Elder withered blood, waiting for his decision.

Withered blood After Elder was silent for a moment, he directly looked up at Jian Wuxue, and a faint voice sounded.

“No blood, you go and discuss the cooperation with the two people of Blood Thousand Kill.”

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