Chapter 247 Pill recipe condensed with Sword intent!

Jiang Chen’s proud words suddenly made the square silent.

And the ten or so Longbang students who challenged Jiang Chen couldn’t help but feel inexplicably cold in their hearts.

“I… I give up the challenge!”

“I give up too!”


Looking at Jiang Chen standing proudly on the martial arts stage.

Wherever the ten or so Longbang students dared to challenge, they all rushed to announce that they had given up the challenge.

They thought.

With the strength of Jiang Chen Xiantian Fourth Stage, it was just a soft persimmon that they allowed to knead.


In reality, they slapped their faces with a severe slap.

Meng Bei, ranked 60th on the Long List, was beaten by him!

Xu Ze, ranked 46th on the Dragon List, was also solved by him!

This perversion is simply not something they can afford!

Seeing all the challenges War Practitioner announced to give up the challenge.

Jiang Chen floated down from the martial arts platform and fell directly beside Meng Qingxue.

He looked at Meng Qingxue who still hadn’t recovered from the shock, and couldn’t help but smile faintly: “Don’t be in a daze, let’s go.”

“You…do you really understand the Second Stage Sword intent?”

Meng Qingxue stared at Jiang Chen blankly, her beautiful eyes also revealed incredible horror.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “My Sword intent originally reached the peak of the First Stage, and then I learned a little bit in the Valley of True Meaning. Isn’t it normal to break through the Second Stage?”

Normal you ghost!

Meng Qingxue was speechless for a while.

The last time he was in the Jianhen Palace of Lingyun Wufu, Jiang Chen understood the First Stage Sword intent at a glance.

This time in the Valley of True Meaning of Yanhuang Wuyuan, Jiang Chen also only glanced at it, and Sword Intent was promoted to the Second Stage.

In the eyes of others, the true meaning of Martial Dao is comprehended, but this guy can comprehend it as easy as eating and drinking!

Is this Tamar something that a normal person can do!

Leave the square.

Jiang Chen did not rush back to his residence, but took Meng Qingxue to the trading floor of Yanhuang Wuyuan.

With the strength of Ascension, Jiang Chen now needs more experience for every small Realm of Ascension.

Only relying on eating Medicine Pill to gain experience, now he wants Ascension a small Realm, he has to spend millions of spars to buy material pill refining.

Even Jiang Chen couldn’t bear such a terrifying consumption.


Jiang Chen decided to buy some materials and set up a spiritual gathering formation.

With the double bonus of the Spirit Gathering Array and the hundredfold cultivation system, the speed of his cultivation should not be too bad.

It is not difficult to find the materials for the arrangement of the Spirit Gathering Array.

It only took less than ten minutes for Jiang Chen to gather all the materials he needed.

Normally he was about to leave the trading floor with the purchased materials.

A trace of Sword intent is indeed coming not far from the front.

“This Sword intent… doesn’t seem to be emanating from people. Is there anything that implies Sword intent here?”

With a move in Jiang Chen’s heart, he strode towards the direction where the Sword intent was emitting.

After a while.

Jiang Chen appeared at a booth 100 meters away.

Sweeping his gaze on the booth, Jiang Chen’s eyes quickly locked on a simple scroll.

The Sword intent he had felt before was surprisingly emitted from this scroll.

“This scroll is a bit like a pill recipe, but how can there be a Sword intent on the pill recipe?”

Jiang Chen stared at the simple scroll closely, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“This is… a pill recipe condensed with Sword intent!”

Just when I looked at the scroll carefully.

Meng Qingxue’s incredible exclamation suddenly rang in his ears.

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