Chapter 246 The terrifying power of Second Stage Sword intent!

“Whhhhhhhhh-song! Jiang Chen even realized the Sword intent”

“More than comprehend Sword intent, his Sword intent is more than twice as powerful as Xu Ze’s Sword intent!”

“This kid… is really a monster.”

Looking at the powerful Sword intent bursting out of Jiang Chen.

After a brief silence in the square, there were finally bursts of incredible exclamation.

This new student named Jiang Chen is really an evildoer who cannot be saved by common sense!

When Meng Bei challenged Jiang Chen earlier.

They think Jiang Chen will definitely lose.

But Jiang Chen displayed a powerful exercise skill comparable to Xiantian Seventh Stage middle stage, and defeated Meng Bei with a single blow!

And now…

They thought Jiang Chen could not resist Xu Ze’s Sword intent.

But Jiang Chen broke out a Sword intent even stronger than Xu Ze!

A freshman who has just been admitted to the hospital, the body cultivator is so powerful that he has such an enchanting talent in kendo.

This…this ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwawahhhwa hue one to, to make people not to live, to live.

When everyone was shocked by the monstrous Sword intent on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s Sword intent was also condensed in midair into an illusory dragon shadow measuring five or six feet long.

With Jiang Chen’s long sword swinging, Long Ying directly grabbed at the oncoming illusory giant sword with his teeth and claws.


Long Ying collided with the giant sword, making a loud noise in mid-air.

The next moment…

The giant sword was shattered by the dragon shadow’s claw!

And at the moment when the giant sword was broken.

Xu Ze’s figure trembled in vain, his face suddenly paled, and the whole person knelt on the ground with a thud.

“Sword intent transformed, you…you actually realized the Second Stage Sword intent!”

Xu Ze looked at Jiang Chen in horror, and there was also an unbelievable scream in his mouth.


His throat was sweet, red blood spurted out of his mouth continuously, and then his eyes went dark, and he passed out directly.


Watching the situation on the stage.

Everyone in the square couldn’t help taking a breath.

Xu Ze is defeated!

Moreover, he was defeated by Jiang Chen with a sword in the swordsmanship he was proud of!

No one can think of it.

Jiang Chen’s talent in kendo is even more terrifying than his talent in body cultivator!

Martial Dao has a total of Third Stage Realm.

The First Stage Realm is to condense the virtual reality, which can be condensed into a substantive attack.

The Second Stage Realm is a real meaning, which can be transformed into everything in the world at will, becoming lifelike.

As for the Third Stage Realm, almost no one can reach the realm of legend.

And just now, Jiang Chen’s Sword intent turned into a giant dragon, which undoubtedly reached the point where it was transformed into a Sword intent!

A Practitioner in the Xiantian realm has actually realized the Second Stage Sword intent.

What a terrible and enchanting existence this is.

“This son’s talent in kendo is really amazing.”

On the competition stage, Deacon was cold and cold for a while before he recovered from the shock.

His gaze towards Jiang Chen was also full of shock that could not be concealed.

Martial Dao’s true meaning is illusory, and it is extremely difficult to understand.

Being able to comprehend the true meaning of First Stage Martial Dao in Xiantian Realm is already a peerless genius.

And in Xiantian Realm, who understood the true meaning of Second Stage Martial Dao, this kid is definitely the first person in the history of their Yanhuang Wuyuan!

This kid’s talent in kendo is unprecedented!

When everyone was stunned by Jiang Chen’s Second Stage Sword intent.

On the stage.

Jiang Chen unfolded the long sword in his hand, and the proud voice resounded in everyone’s ears again.

“Who else wants to challenge me, just let it go!”

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