Chapter 2466 Destroying the Void Demon Race

“How… how is it possible?”

“With the strength of Lord Demon Emperor, how can I be easily defeated by Yizhi?”

Seeing that Mo Jingtian couldn’t even stop Mingyue Xin’s understatement, the expressions of several Void Demon Kings instantly became horrified.

“Nothing is impossible. You don’t understand the power of that level at all.”

“Whether it is the master of Martial Dao or the Mahayana cultivator, they are already regarded as half-immortals, and you can ask about Immortal Ascension, immortal.”

“Even if there are ten demons shaking the sky, in front of a real Martial Dao ruler, there will be no resistance at all.”

The ancestor Xueyang said with a gloomy look.

Hearing the words of Old Ancestor Xueyang, many Void Demon Kings looked pale, like a concubine.

That’s it!

Today, their Void Demon Race is afraid that they will be completely finished.

“If you don’t want the entire army to be annihilated, run for your own lives. One can escape.”

The words of the ancestor Xueyang fell, and immediately the whole person turned into a bloody light, slamming into the void.

A master of Martial Dao who has just made a breakthrough, if he was at his peak that year, he would naturally not have the slightest fear.

But now he is even slightly inferior to Mo Jingtian.

If you continue to stay here, it will be no different from waiting for death.


Just as the ancestor Xueyang escaped into the void and prepared to escape silently, the Mingyue Heart in the void also instantly sensed something.

She stretched out her hand and grabbed it in a certain direction in the void.


A scarlet figure was directly caught out of the void by her like an eagle catching a chicken.

This blood-colored figure is surprisingly the ancestor of the blood sun preparing to escape.

The ancestor of Xueyang couldn’t help but exclaimed in horror: “Mingyuexin, the power of my blood evil sect will soon come to God’s realm. If you dare to move me, my blood evil sect will definitely not let you go!”

“Don’t worry, this palace has no plans to let them go. It won’t be long before they will come and be buried with you.”

The voice of Mingyuexin fell, and the palm of his hand was lightly squeezed. The struggling body of the ancestor of the blood sun instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, which quickly dissipated without a trace between the heavens and the earth.

The ancestor of the blood sun, the Mahayana cultivator who invaded God’s realm in the ancient times, even if he was reborn after setting up the eternal situation, he still hasn’t escaped the end of the fall, and he can’t die anymore.

“It’s your turn.”

Resolving the ancestor of the blood sun lightly, Mingyue’s cold eyes looked directly at Mo Jingtian.

She raised the palm of her hand, and pointed a finger at Demon Shocking Sky again.

“Mingyuexin, don’t think that if you break through to dominate the realm, God’s Realm can sit back and relax in Wu You.”

“The expeditionary army of Cultivation Universe will come soon, and I will wait for you to come and be buried with me.”

Seeing Mingyuexin’s move again, Mo Jingtian’s face suddenly showed a hideous look, and the whole person did not advance and retreated, and then, like an inflated balloon, it exploded directly in the void.

that moment.

A force that destroys the sky and the earth also swept across the void in an instant.

Mingyue’s complexion was indifferent, and stood proudly in place.

Seeing her gently raised her hand with a wave, the destructive power that swept through, even the full range of Mingyue Xin’s body was not close, and it had completely disappeared.

Seeing that the ancestors of Xueyang and Mo Jingtian were killed by Mingyue Xin’s finger, the eight great demon kings of the Void Demon Race were also terrified to the extreme.

Where did they dare to have the slightest hesitation, they quickly dispersed, each rushing in a different direction.


Today, Jiang Chen gathered the power of God’s Domain to destroy the Void Demon. How could it allow the Eight Demon Kings of the Void Demon Race to escape easily?

“Kill them!”

Jiang Chen screamed, and the whole person also turned into a golden light, and killed one of the Void Demon Kings.

Real Cangming and the others made a decisive move, cutting off the paths of the remaining Void Demon Kings respectively.

Nowadays Cangming and Wu Zhantian are already half-step masters of the realm. Killing the Void Demon is almost like slaughtering a chicken and a dog, but they have solved a Void Demon in an instant.

The remaining six Void Demon Kings, under the siege of Jiang Chen and more than a dozen god kings, Ninth Stage Tian, ​​did not hold on for too long, and they all fell quickly.

With the death of Demon Jingtian and the Eight Great Demon Kings, the Void Demon Race no longer had any resistance, and was directly wiped out by Jiang Chen and the others.

After destroying the main clan of the Void Demon Race.

Jiang Chen also dispatched a part of his force and began to deal with the tribes scattered in various parts of God’s Domain.

He used the conquered Void Bull Demon Race as an internal response, and found the Void Demon Race hidden in God’s Domain one by one.

Just a few months.

The Void Demon Race in God’s Domain was almost completely wiped out.

So far.

The Void Demon Race, which has been threatening the safety of the Gods Realm since the ancient catastrophe, has finally been completely reduced to the history of the Gods Realm Continent.

After destroying the Void Demon Race.

Knowing that the Xiuxian Universe expedition army will soon come to God’s Domain, Jiang Chen and the others naturally did not dare to be negligent.

In order not to let God’s Domain once again become a battlefield with the Xiuxian Universe.

Jiang Chen and the others gathered all the resources of the God’s Domain Continent, preparing to build a city in the endless Galaxy Cluster outside the God’s Domain to block the people who cultivated the Universe from the God’s Domain.

And while Jiang Chen and the others were preparing to face the expeditionary army of Xiuxian Universe.

Outside of the Gods Domain Universe, in the endless Galaxy Cluster, a huge and incomparable ancient warship slowly darts through the endless starry sky.

The warship was more than a thousand feet long, and its hull made of unknown metal was full of scars, and it was printed with countless wind swords and frost sword marks.

There are no fewer than thousands of cultivators on the battleship.

Every cultivator and Cultivation Base have reached the stage of harmony or above, and the breath is calm and vast.

Especially the hundreds of people at the forefront of the warship, sitting cross-legged in the pavilion, their eyes opened and closed, all shining bright silver, shocking the world, obviously they are all big cultivators above the Transcends Tribulation period.

But the most terrifying thing was a man in blood who stood proudly in the forefront with his hands behind him.

The blood-clothed man was covered with blood-red long hair, and his whole body was shrouded in countless stars and chaos. Although he didn’t seem to show a trace of aura on the surface, his gestures gave people a sense of unpretentiousness.

“Blood Demon Lord, according to the information passed back to the Blood Fiend Sect by the ancestors of the blood sun, we are not far from the Universe of God’s Domain. At most three days, we should be able to descend into the Domain of God’s Domain!”

At this moment, a Transcends Tribulation cultivator suddenly walked behind the blood-clothed man and said respectfully.

“God’s Domain, is it finally coming.”

The blood-clothed man spoke quietly, and two strange rays of light suddenly burst out of those blood-red eyes.

“I want to see what’s so peculiar about the place where the ancestors of the Universe Cultivation Universe came back in defeat!”

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